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Working with Custom Reports and Dashboards


This is an add-on feature and must be enabled. Contact your account manager, or, to enable it.

In addition to Standard Reports and Dashboards, users can also generate Custom Reports. Custom Reports provide more detailed and actionable insights specific to the unique metrics and business objectives your organization uses to define success. Clients that have this feature as a part of their subscription package can build custom reports and dashboards using 100+ Project, Content, Client, User, or Intake data points.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Topics Included in This Article

    Custom report information:

    • Creating Custom Reports
    • Cloning Reports
    • Filtering Reports
    • Exporting Reports
    • Sharing Reports
      • Sharing with Users
      • Sharing with Guests
    • Grouping Data by Column
    • Creating Calculated Columns
    • Scheduling Custom Reports

    Custom dashboard information:

    • Creating Custom Dashboards
    • Exporting Custom Dashboards
    • Sharing Custom Dashboards
    • Scheduling Custom Dashboards
    • Custom Report Fields Glossary

    Related Articles

    Creating Top Custom Reports

    Key Functionality

    • Building and saving Custom Reports
    • Customizing and exporting Dashboards
    • Sharing reports to internal users and guests
    • Aggregate data into charts and graphs

    For an overview of this feature, download the attachment at the end of this article.

    Creating Custom Reports

    1. Click Reports from the App Launcher menu, then click the Custom Reports tile.
      Cusom Reports - Main.png
    2. Click New Report at the top of the page. If you haven't created a report before, you can also click the button in the middle of the page.
      Custom Reports - New 1.png
    3. Enter the name of your custom report. You can also provide a description of it. Specify if it should be visible to all users and shared users (Public) or if it should be visible only to you and shared users (Private). Next, specify the type of the report: Intake, Projects (the default), Answer Library, Document Library or Users.
      Cusom Reports - New 2.png
    4. The left panel shows the default values for the report, listing the module you chose above the default fields. You can click the trash icon to remove any of the fields, or click and drag fields to reorder them.

      As you build your custom report, you will see a sample of the report you are building on the right pane. 
      Cusom Reports - New 3.png

      Click the Expand/Collapse icon to show or hide the left  pane.
      Expand or Collapse pane.png

    5. Click Add Data Field to add a field from the specified module to the report. Scroll down to see  all the fields or enter the name of the field in the Search box. When you find a field you want, click it.
      Custom Reports - New 4.png

      The icons represent the different types of fields:
      Number field type icon.png - number, count or duration (in hh:mm:ss format)
      Date field type icon.png  - date
      Text field type icon.png- text box, text area, single person fields, increment automatically
      Drop down field type icon.png - drop-down, checkbox, or fields that accept multiple people

      As you add the fields, you can drag and drop them in the left pane to reorder them.

    6. To add fields from a different module, click the drop-down menu under the Module heading, and then click Add Data Field again. Search for a field to add as described in the previous step.

      If you select the Users module, you will be prompted to choose a field to join the User fields by. The module you selected originally is the primary table, and the Users table is the secondary table. The field you specify as the Join By field is used to pull information from the secondary table into the report. 
      Custom Reports - New 5.png

    7. You can add calculated fields by clicking the Add Calc Field button. You will be prompted to enter a name for the field, and then choose the fields and operation for the calculation. Click Add. If you want to change it, click the pencil icon.
      Custom Reports - New 7.png

    1. Click Settings icon.png to turn on and off the row, detail rows, subtotals (where applicable) and grand total (where applicable).
      Custom Reports - New 10.png

    2. As you make your changes, the results appear on the right side of the page. When you are finished making changes, click Save at the top of the page.
      Custom Reports - New 11.png

    Cloning Reports

    1. Click the three-dot menu and select Make a Copy to save the report with a new name. A copy of the report is generated and saved under Reports.
      Custom Report Options.png
    2. Edit the report by adding more columns, removing existing columns, rearranging columns and/or changing the name.
    3. Click Save. The saved report displays on the Custom Reports page.
      Custom Reports - List of Reports.png

    Filtering Reports

    You can filter reports to separate out and view only the records you are interested in.

    1. From the Custom Reports page, click on the report you want to filter. The report displays.
    2. Click Expand or Collapse toggle.png 
    3. Click the Filter tab on the top corner of the page to display the filters.
      Custom Reports - Filter1.png
    4. Click Add Filter to add a new filter. Search for the field you want to filter on and click it. Select the operator and associated fields from the drop-down options.
      Note: The Project Created Date field is selected by default.
      Custom Reports - Filter 2.png

    5. Click Apply Filter.

    Exporting Reports

    Custom reports can be exported to Excel.

    1. From the Custom Reports page, click the report that you want to export.
    2. Click the menu mceclip5.png on the top corner of the page and select Export.
      Custom Reports - Export.png

    Sharing Reports

    Custom reports can be shared with users and guests.
    Note: The Share with Users tab is selected by default.

    Sharing with Users

    1. From the Custom Reports page, click the report you want to share.
    2. Click the Menu mceclip4.png on the top corner of the page and select Sharing & Visibility.
      Custom Reports - Export.png
    3. Enter the user name(s) or email address(s).
      Note: You can assign multiple users as report owners.
      Custom Reports - Sharing 1.png
    4. Select Public or Private from the Report Type radio buttons:
      • Private: Only users with whom the report has been shared are able to view, edit, or share the report.
      • Public: Any user can view the report. Permission to edit and share can be given to users.
    5. The users with whom the report have been shared will be listed as shown below:
    6. Enter a message to the user, then click Done to share the report with the selected users.

    Sharing with Guests

    1. From the Custom Reports page, click the report you want to share.
    2. Click the menumceclip4.png on the top corner of the page and select Sharing & Visibility.
      Custom Reports - Sharing 1.pngCustom Reports - Export.png
    3. Click the Share with Guests tab.
    4. Enter the guests email address.
    5. By default, guest users have the View permission. Select Export to allow guests to export the report to Excel.
      Custom Reports - Sharing 2.png
    6. Select the Expiry Date from the drop-down.
    7. Click Add to add more guests if necessary. This allows you to set a different expiry date, permission, etc., for different guests.
      Custom Reports - Sharing 3.png
    8. Select the username from the Run Report As section to display the record to guest users in any users view.
    9. Click Delete to delete any unwanted guests if necessary.
    10. Enter a message to the guest and click Save to send an email with the report link to the guest.
      Note: If export is enabled for the guest, they can click the menu mceclip4.pngon the top right corner and select Export to download the report to Excel.

    Grouping Data by Column

    You can group columns together and generate chart comprised of that data.

    1. From the custom report, click the Expand mceclip11.png icon associated with the column to be grouped and select Group by This Column. You can also click the Group By button on the left pane. The report is grouped as shown below.
      Note: To remove a grouping, click the column name and select Remove Group.
      Custom Reports - Grouping 1.png
    2. If you want to group information by date:
      1. Select the column and choose ascending or descending order.
        Custom Reports Sorting by Date 1.png
      2. Select a date range (day, week, month, quarter, or year).
        Custom Reports Sorting by Date 2.png
        Once grouped, the information displays as shown below.
        Custom Reports Sorting by Date 3.png

    Creating Calculated Columns

    You can create a new column comprised of the difference of two other date columns using the Formula function in the Column layout.

    1. Click Add Calc Field on the left-hand side of the screen.
      Custom Report Add Calculated Field.png
    2. Enter a name for the new column, select the column names from the drop-down options, and click Create.
      Custom Report Calculated Field.png
    3. Click Apply at the bottom of the left pane to update the table on the right.
      • You can filter the report by the new column once the report is saved.
        Custom Reports - Filter on Calculated Field.png
      • You can edit the column by clicking the Edit icon associated with it.
        Custom Reports Edit Field.png

    Scheduling Custom Reports

    You can schedule custom reports to generated daily, weekly, or monthly.

    1. Click the three-dot menu associated with the item you want to schedule, either on the main reports page or on the report detail. Select Schedule
      Custom Reports - Create Schedule.png
    2. Select the Schedule Active toggle.
    3. Select the frequency.
    4. Enter the time, day and effective from details.
      Note: The Effective From date cannot be in the past.
    5. Enter the recipient's name and/or guest user’s email.
    6. Click Save. A success message appears when the report/dashboard is successfully scheduled.
      • The calendar icon appears for reports that are scheduled. Click it to edit the schedule. 
        Custom Reports - Create Schedule 2.png
      • Click the Manage Schedules icon at the top of the page to see the scheduled reports. 
        Custom Reports - Manage Scheduled Reports.png

        Click the appropriate icon to see the schedule activity, edit the schedule, or delete the schedule (this will not delete the report).
        Custom Reports - Manage Scheduled Reports 2.png

    Creating Custom Dashboards

    After generating a custom report, you can graphically represent the information in report dashboards. To create a custom report dashboard:

    1. Click Reports from the App Launcher menu, then click the Custom Dashboards tile.
      Custom Dashboards - New 1.png

    2. Click New Dashboard at the top of the page. If you have not created any dashboards before, you can also click New Dashboard in the middle of the page.
      Custom Dashboards - New 2.png
    3. Enter name and description for the dashboard on the New Dashboard pop-up, and specify if it is public or private. Click Continue.
      Custom Dashboards - New 3.png

    4. Click to add a widget to your Dashboard.
      Custom Dashboards - New 4.png
    5. The available reports are listed on the left pane. Click the report you want to include in the dashboard. The report is loaded on the page as shown below.
      Custom Dashboards - New 5.png
      Note: You can also create a dashboard for custom reports that are shared with you. Click Custom, select Shared to me, then select the required report.
    6. The data is displayed in a table by default. You can change it by selecting an option on the right side of the page under Display As. The types of charts and graphs available depends on the data in the report. 
      You can enter a name for the widget in the Chart Name field. then click Add to create the dashboard. The Dashboard page displays.
      Custom Dashboards - New 6.png
    7. Click Add Widget to return to the previous page. You can add the same report and change the Display As option, or you can select a different report to add to the dashboard. 
      You can customize the widget depending on the type and the data in the original report.
      • If you select a Column Bar chart, you have the option to change what appears on the X axis, specify an option to group the data by, and the Y axis.
      • If you select a Funnel Chart for the same report, you have the option to change what it is sliced by and the value.
      When you are finished, click Add.
      Custom Dashboards - New 7.png

    8. On the Dashboard, hover over the chart titles to edit::
      • Click the handle and drag it to reorder the widgets on the dashboard
      • Click the resize icon to change the dimensions of the widget.
      • Click the associated Edit icon to edit the report name and the report.
      • Click the red trash icon to delete the widget
        Custom Dashboards - New 8.png
    9. Click Save to save the dashboard.

    Exporting Custom Dashboards

    Custom Dashboards can be exported to PDF.
    Note: Only charts and graphs can be exported to PDF; reports in table format cannot.


    1. Click and open the dashboard you want to export.
    2. Click the three dot menu in the top right corner and select Export.
      Custom Dashboards - Export 1.png

    Sharing Custom Dashboards

    Custom dashboards can be shared with internal users and guest users.

    1. Click and open the dashboard to be exported.
    2. Click the three dot menu in the top right corner and select Sharing and Visibility.
      Custom Dashboards - Share 1.png
    3. The Share with Users tab is displayed by default. Enter the name of the users and specify if they should have View or Edit permission for the dashboard. You can also include a message. When you are finished click Save.
      Custom Dashboards - Share 2.png
    4. Click the Share with Guests tab if you want to send the dashboard to people outside your organization. Enter the email addresses with their visibility. Specify an expiry date, after which the guest can no longer access it. Specify who should be tracked as the person who ran the dashboard reports. When you are finished, click Save.
      Custom Dashboards - Share 3.png

    Scheduling Custom Dashboards

    You can schedule custom dashboards to generated daily, weekly, or monthly. You can schedule them from the main dashboards page that lists all the dashboards, and from the individual dashboard itself. Click the three dot menu for the dashboard, and then click Schedule.

    1. Make sure the Schedule Active toggle is enabled..
      Custom Dashboards - Schedule 2.png
    2. Select the frequency.
    3. Enter the time, day and effective from details.
      Note: The Effective From date cannot be in the past.
    4. Enter the recipient's name and/or guest user’s email.
    5. Enter the user who will be credited with running the report.
    6. Click Save. A success message appears when the report/dashboard is successfully scheduled.
      • Click the Manage Schedules icon on the top right of the page to view your scheduled reports.
        Custom Dashboards - Schedule 3.png

        Custom Dashboards - Schedule 4.png
      • Click the History icon to view the 12 most recent items.
      • Click the Edit icon to edit the report schedule.
      • Click the trash icon to delete the schedule.

    Custom Report Fields Glossary

    The Custom Report field descriptions are:

    Field Description


    Display ID

    Indicates a system defined unique identifier for all entities. 

    Project Completion Time

    Indicates the time taken to complete a project in the Hours : Minutes : Seconds format.

    Project Users

    Indicates all users who are part of a project, including Admins who have completed a project.

    Project Format

    Indicates if a Project is formatted as Descriptive or Question & Answer.

    Project Team Includes all users who are shown within the project's Team tab.
    Question Author Teams

    Indicates the user teams assigned for authoring questions within a Project. 

    Question Reviewer Teams

    Indicates the user teams assigned for reviewing questions within a Project. 

    Question Review Completed Users

    Indicates the users who have completed reviewing questions assigned to them.

    Question Answer Library Id Indicates the unique identifier to find if a question in the Project exists in the Answer Library.
    Auto Respond Used & Edited Questions

    Indicates the questions with responses answered using Auto-Respond and then edited. 

    Section Assigned Users

    Indicates the users to whom Sections are assigned for authoring/reviewing. 

    Section Author Completed Users

    Indicates the users who have completed authoring questions assigned to them.

    Section Reviewers Team Indicates the user Teams assigned for reviewing Questions/Sections in a Project.
    Section Review Completed Users

    Indicates the users who have completed reviewing Questions/Sections assigned to them.

    Section Review Completed Teams Indicates the user Teams who have completed reviewing Sections assigned to them.
    Section Reviewer Users Indicates users assigned to review sections within a project.


    User - Title

    Indicates the Job Title of the user mentioned in Your Account/Users page.

    User - Status

    Indicates the status of the user - if the User is Active, Inactive, or Pending Activation.

    User - Team Names

    Indicates the team names Users are assigned to in Manage Teams page.

    Application Usage

    Tab Id 

    Indicates the unique Session ID based on the browser tab. 

    Last Recorded Time 

    Indicates the last recorded time of a session. 

    User Name

    Indicates the email ID of the user associated with the session. 

    Session Id

    Indicates the unique ID of a session.

    Track User Id 

    Indicates the unique identifier of the user with respect to a session.

    Module Name

    Indicates the name of the module used - Project, Answer Library, Users, Organization Settings, Reports, etc.

    Start Time Indicates the time stamp on when a session started.

    User Tasks

    User Task Parent ID

    Indicates the unique Identifier for a parent task. For example, if an author is assigned questions from multiple sections, there will be a unique ID for the parent task.

    User Task Completed Date

    Indicates the date/time when a Task was completed.

    User Task Priority

    Indicates the priority of the Task - High, Medium, Low, or None.

    User Task Start Date

    Indicates the date when the Task started.

    User Task Username

    Indicates the username of the person to whom the task is assigned.;

    User Task Progress

    Indicates the task progress in percentage.

    User Task Type


    Indicates the type of the Task - if it is Section Author, Section Review, or Project Task.

    User Task Status

    Indicates the status of the Task - if is In Progress, Completed, or Yet to begin.
    User Task Name

    Indicates the name of the Task.

    User Task ID

    Indicates the unique identifier for the Task.

    User Task Due Date

    Indicates the due date for the Task.

  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

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