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Understanding the different answer types


There are nine different answer types to choose from when configuring answer types while importing documents.

At one point, we had a Plain Text answer type that had no formatting options. This has been deprecated. Existing Plain Text answers keep that answer type by default, but you can edit the question to change it (see Editing Answer Types for more information). Existing Rich Text answers have been changed to Full Rich Text.

Basic Rich Text

Basic Rich Text answer fields allow you to enter text. It also provides a toolbar with Undo, Redo, Font, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Text color, Bullets, Clear Formatting, Spellcheck, Find and Replace, Source Code, Styles, Format Painter, and Full Screen.

Full Rich Text

Full Rich Text (previously called Rich Text) answer type fields allow you to enter text, and provide a toolbar with all of the options for Basic Rich Text, as well as Background Color, Table, Fee Table, Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justify), Spacing (Before, After, Line Height), Link, Image, Numbered List, Indent, Outdent, Page Break, Insert/Edit Annotation, Remove Annotation, and Formats.

Full Rich Text answer type fields allow you to enter text. It also provides a toolbar with all of the options for Basic Rich Text, as well as Background Color, Table, Fee Table, Alignment (Left, Right, Center, Justify), Spacing (Before, After, Line Height), Link, Image, Numbered List, Indent, Outdent, Page Break, Insert/Edit Annotation, Remove Annotation, and Formats.


Labels are un-editable answer types that appear as a response, but are mostly for your group's convenience while answering the question.


This option allows you to select a date from a drop-down calendar.


If the imported Excel document has a drop-down answer option, you can select drop-down as the answer type. Once imported into the application, it appears as a drop-down menu where users can select one answer. See When to Use Drop-Downs as Answer Types in Excel for more information.

Multi-Column Drop-Down

Multi-column drop-downs are used when there are multiple columns in the imported Excel document. See When to Use Multi-Column Drop-Downs as Answer Types in Excel for more information.


Similar to drop downs, if the imported Excel document has a drop-down answer option, you can select Radio as the answer type. This act in the same way as drop-downs, only allowing one answer to be selected. If you want to be able to select multiple answers, select the Checkbox option. See When to Use Radio Buttons as Answer Types in Excel for more information.

Multi-Column Radio

Multi-column Radios are used when there are multiple columns in the imported Excel document. See When to Use Multi-Column Radio Buttons as Answer Types in Excel for more information.


The checkbox option allows users to select as many answers as they want. In this case, you could select none of the answers, just Yes, just No, or both of the answers. See When to Use Checkboxes as Answer Types in Excel for more information.

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