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Using the Content Library content editor


The Content Library Content Editor allows you to edit or update Q&A pairs, documents, sections and catalogs with additional fields, metadata or privacy settings.

Using the content editor

  1. Go to the Content Library and click on the desired tab, then click the Edit icon associated with the content you want to edit.
  2. Edit the information as necessary, then click Save.

Content editor fields

Some fields differ based on the content you are editing, but all have the option to edit Metadata and Privacy, Usage and Review information.

Q&A Pairs


  • Add Alternate Questions: Alternate questions are typically used when you often encounter a different type of question(s) that has the same answer. Common examples of this include the question What is your company's address? versus Where is your company's headquarters?
  • Alternate Answers: Alternate answers are different type of answer(s) that apply to the same question. Examples of this include shorter versions of long-form answers or answers that must include compliance information for specialized responses such as government or healthcare.
  • Attachments: You can attach documents to your responses.


  • File Name: Indicates the document name. You can modify the document name if required.
  • File Description: Indicates a brief description about the document.


  • Section Name: Indicates the section name.
  • Assign Parent Section: Indicates if the section is a sub-section of any other section. You can select a parent section and make this section its sub-section.
  • Description or Help Text: Indicates a brief description or help text on what the section provides.
  • Attachments: You can attach documents to your sections.


  • Catalog Structure: Select a new catalog structure.
  • Catalog Name: Modify the catalog name.
  • Catalog Display Name: Modify the catalog name.


  • Project Name: The Project Name is a critical piece of metadata that is searchable throughout your Responsive instance.
  • Section Name: The Section Name refers to the name of the section associated to the specific content being edited and is searchable throughout your Responsive instance.
  • Tags: Tags are a great way to organize your content. Think of tags as key words or phrases that help you filter content into smaller groups - a quick and simple way to organize content.
  • Setting Up and Using Content Library Language Translation: The Translation tool is an add-on feature that can translate your content into many different languages.

Privacy, Usage and Review

  • Privacy: The Privacy setting allows you to set up content restrictions for different users within your Responsive instance.
  • Collections: A collection is a way to segment your Content Library. It has the ability to restrict visibility to certain Q&A pairs, documents, sections or catalogs to only users who are assigned to that collection.
  • Moderators: Moderation is a job that is done only within the Content Library. If enabled (in Organization Settings), a Moderator reviews any edits made to existing Q&A pairs in the Content Library. The Moderator will be notified by email either after an Owner makes an edit to an existing Q&A pair/Document or when a new Q&A pair/Document is created.
  • Owners: An Owner is assigned to existing content within the Content Library. They are responsible for maintaining and upkeep of that content. An Owner can also be assigned to review cycles for each type of content.
  • Star Rating: Star ratings help you prioritizing the order of recommendations received while responding to a questionnaire.
  • Flags: You can enable or disable flags in content. If the content has multiple flags an Information icon is displayed adjacent to the Flag icon.
  • Alert Text: Alert Text can be attached to specific content to share important information with other users, such as critical documents that need to be attached or information that needs to be frequently updated prior to that content being used.

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