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Using search and replace in the Content Library or Projects


Search and replace is a time-saving feature that allows you to modify content across the entire Content Library or project by locating specific words or phrases and replacing all of them at once (or one by one). 

  • Deleted terms cannot be recovered.
  • There are some considerations for special characters when using this function. See Special Character Considerations at the end of this article for more information.

You want to replace all instances of a specific client name with a merge tag instead.

Tips and tricks for search and replace

  • Filter and select library contents before accessing search and replace to limit search results.
  • See how many items match your search criteria by clicking Find, even before entering replacement text.
  • Preview the results from the right pane, and the total count of the searched term (as well as a count of the term present in each piece of content) from the left pane.
  • When the Replace With term is a null string (nothing was entered) and Replace or Replace All is applied, the searched term is deleted and replaced with a space.
    Note: If the searched term is the only word in the content, the searched term will not be replaced with a space.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Using search and replace in the Content Library

    1. From the Content Library Q&A pair tab, select the checkbox in front of the desired content (or click Select All), then click More > Search and Replace.
    2. Choose to search across Answers, Questions, or All.search_and_replace2.png
    3. Enter your keyword in the Search Exact Matches field and the new value in the Replace With field.
    4. Click Replace to replace the individual, selected piece of content or Replace All to update all contents in the search results.
    5. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up to replace the terms.

    Using search and replace in projects

    To search and replace within a project, follow the steps below:

    1. Select the section(s) you want to query by clicking the box to the left of the sections, then click More > Search and Replace.
    2. Enter the text in the specified field. If you enter multiple words or a phrase, the application replaces only the text that matches the phrase completely.
    3. Click Save to update the values in the project. Edits made are recorded in the activities for the question and the project.

    Special character considerations

    Characters without additional text

    The following characters can be used in searches with search and replace:
    Note: Backslashes (\) and double quotes (") cannot be searched.

    Symbol Name Symbol
    Tilde ~
    Back Quote `
    Exclamation Mark !
    At @
    Hash #
    Dollar $
    Percentage %
    Caret ^
    Ampersand &
    Asterisk *
    Open Parenthesis (
    Closed Parenthesis )
    Underscore _
    Hyphen -
    Plus +
    Equal =
    Open Brace {
    Closed Brace }
    Pipe |
    Open Bracket [
    Closed Bracket ]
    Colon :
    Semicolon ;
    Single Quotes '
    Less Than <
    Greater Than >
    Comma ,
    Full Stop .
    Question Mark ?
    Forward Slash /

    Characters with prefix or suffix text

    The following characters can be used with prefix or suffix text:
    Note: Backslashes (\), double quotes ("), back quotes with prefix and suffix text (`Text or Text`), and single quotes with suffix text ('Text) cannot be searched.

    Symbol Name Suffix Prefix
    Tilde ~Text Text~
    Exclamation Mark !Text Text!
    At @Text Text@
    Hash #Text Text#
    Dollar $Text Text$
    Percentage %Text Text%
    Caret ^Text Text^
    Ampersand &Text Text&
    Asterisk *Text Text*
    Open Parenthesis (Text Text(
    Closed Parenthesis )Text Text)
    Underscore _Text Text_
    Hyphen -Text Text-
    Plus +Text Text+
    Equal =Text Text=
    Open Brace {Text Text{
    Closed Brace }Text Text}
    Pipe |Text Text|
    Open Bracket [Text Text[
    Closed Bracket ]Text Text]
    Colon :Text Text:
    Semicolon ;Text Text;
    Less Than <Text Text<
    Greater Than >Text Text>
    Comma ,Text Text,
    Full Stop .Text Text.
    Question Mark ?Text Text?
    Forward Slash /Text Text/

    Characters in between text

    The following characters can be used in between text (without space):
    Note: Backslashes (\), double quotes ("), and back quotes (`Text) cannot be searched with text in between.

    Symbol Name Text Example
    Tilde Text~Text
    Exclamation Mark Text!Text
    At Text@Text
    Hash Text#Text
    Dollar Text$Text
    Percentage Text%Text
    Caret Text^Text
    Ampersand Text&Text
    Asterisk Text*Text
    Open Parenthesis Text(Text
    Closed Parenthesis Text)Text
    Underscore Text_Text
    Hyphen Text-Text
    Plus Text+Text
    Equal Text=Text
    Open Brace Text{Text
    Closed Brace Text}Text
    Pipe Text|Text
    Open Bracket Text[Text
    Closed Bracket Text]Text
    Colon Text:Text
    Semicolon Text;Text
    Single Quote Text'Text
    Less Than Text<Text
    Greater Than Text>Text
    Comma Text,Text
    Full Stop Text.Text
    Question Mark Text?Text
    Forward Slash Text/Text
  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

    Using search and replace in the Content Library

    1. From the Content Library Q&A Pairs tab, select the checkbox in front of the desired content (or click Select All), then click More > Search and Replace.

    2. Choose to search across Answers, Questions, or All.search_and_replace2.png
    3. Enter your keyword in the Search Exact Matches field and the new value in the Replace With field.
    4. Click Replace to replace the individual, selected piece of content or Replace All to update all contents in the search results.
    5. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up to replace the terms.

    Using search and replace in projects

    To search and replace within a project, follow the steps below:

    1. Select the section(s) you want to query by clicking the box to the left of the sections, then click More > Search and Replace. To search and replace within a project
    2. Enter the text in the specified field. If you enter multiple words or a phrase, the application replaces only the text that matches the phrase completely.
    3. Click Save to update the values in the project. Edits made are recorded in the activities for the question and the project.

    Special character considerations

    Characters without additional text

    The following characters can be used in searches with search and replace:
    Note: Backslashes (\) and double quotes (") cannot be searched.

    Symbol Name Symbol
    Tilde ~
    Back Quote `
    Exclamation Mark !
    At @
    Hash #
    Dollar $
    Percentage %
    Caret ^
    Ampersand &
    Asterisk *
    Open Parenthesis (
    Closed Parenthesis )
    Underscore _
    Hyphen -
    Plus +
    Equal =
    Open Brace {
    Closed Brace }
    Pipe |
    Open Bracket [
    Closed Bracket ]
    Colon :
    Semicolon ;
    Single Quotes '
    Less Than <
    Greater Than >
    Comma ,
    Full Stop .
    Question Mark ?
    Forward Slash /

    Characters with prefix or suffix text

    The following characters can be used with prefix or suffix text:
    Note: Backslashes (\), double quotes ("), back quotes with prefix and suffix text (`Text or Text`), and single quotes with suffix text ('Text) cannot be searched.

    Symbol Name Suffix Prefix
    Tilde ~Text Text~
    Exclamation Mark !Text Text!
    At @Text Text@
    Hash #Text Text#
    Dollar $Text Text$
    Percentage %Text Text%
    Caret ^Text Text^
    Ampersand &Text Text&
    Asterisk *Text Text*
    Open Parenthesis (Text Text(
    Closed Parenthesis )Text Text)
    Underscore _Text Text_
    Hyphen -Text Text-
    Plus +Text Text+
    Equal =Text Text=
    Open Brace {Text Text{
    Closed Brace }Text Text}
    Pipe |Text Text|
    Open Bracket [Text Text[
    Closed Bracket ]Text Text]
    Colon :Text Text:
    Semicolon ;Text Text;
    Less Than <Text Text<
    Greater Than >Text Text>
    Comma ,Text Text,
    Full Stop .Text Text.
    Question Mark ?Text Text?
    Forward Slash /Text Text/

    Characters in between text

    The following characters can be used in between text (without space):
    Note: Backslashes (\), double quotes ("), and back quotes (`Text) cannot be searched with text in between.

    Symbol Name Text Example
    Tilde Text~Text
    Exclamation Mark Text!Text
    At Text@Text
    Hash Text#Text
    Dollar Text$Text
    Percentage Text%Text
    Caret Text^Text
    Ampersand Text&Text
    Asterisk Text*Text
    Open Parenthesis Text(Text
    Closed Parenthesis Text)Text
    Underscore Text_Text
    Hyphen Text-Text
    Plus Text+Text
    Equal Text=Text
    Open Brace Text{Text
    Closed Brace Text}Text
    Pipe Text|Text
    Open Bracket Text[Text
    Closed Bracket Text]Text
    Colon Text:Text
    Semicolon Text;Text
    Single Quote Text'Text
    Less Than Text<Text
    Greater Than Text>Text
    Comma Text,Text
    Full Stop Text.Text
    Question Mark Text?Text
    Forward Slash Text/Text

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