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Understanding the Content Library keyword search


Responsive supports many different search operators, from standard keyword searches to advanced Boolean functionality. These special characters and commands extend the capabilities of ordinary text searches. For a visual guide, refer to the Academy course on Searching for Content in the Library.

  • Searches retrieve content from all four tabs and display the results in the Top Results tab.
  • The Advanced Search option displays filters of all content types, and fetches results across the tabs.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Standard keyword search

    Users can search in the Content Library by entering text (Security, for example) in the Search field.

    • The occurrences of the word are highlighted and specifies the search term as a filter.
    • All search functionality gives you the results with the stemming words related to the search, which are not highlighted.

      See the video below for a quick walkthrough of the process. Click the dot to see each step.

    Phrase search

    A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes, such as “privacy and security”. This search gives you content that contains only the keywords privacy and security as the result.

    Wildcard search

    A wildcard is usually a character that is used in a search term to represent one or more other characters. Wildcards are typically either an asterisk (*) or question mark (?).

    • A question mark represents one character, so typing te?t returns matches for text, test, and content.
    • An asterisk(*) can be used to find one or more characters, and can be used at the start and/or end of the word.
      • Typing *age returns results for storage, percentage, and management, for example.
      • Typing sale* returns results for Salesforce, salespeople, and sales, for example.

    Fuzzy search

    Fuzzy searches discover terms that are similar to a specified term without having to be an exact match. To perform a fuzzy search, use the tilde ~ symbol at the end of a single-word term. So typing Slack~ returns the results overstock, track, tracking, and Slack.

    Proximity search

    Proximity searches look for contents where two or more separately matching term occurrences are within a specified distance, where distance is the number of intermediate words or characters.

    For example, typing “mandatory training”~5 returns results with five or less than five words between them.

    Boolean search

    Boolean searches allow users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT, and OR to further produce more relevant results.







    Use this when you are looking for two specific words to both appear within the content.

    "Atlantic" && "sailboat racing"

    "Atlantic" AND "sailboat racing"

    Any document where Atlantic and sailboat racing are both included.



    Use this when you are looking for one or more words.

    "sailing" || "sailboat"

    "sailing" OR "sailboat"

    The term, either before or after OR, appears in the content.


    Use this when you want to make sure you are excluding a keyword.

    "sailboat" NOT "race"

    Any content that contains sailboat, but does not contain race.

    AND operation example

    OR operation example

    NOT operation example

    Searching text on images

    Responsive uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to search for text present on images. You can look for text on images embedded within the responses of Q&A pairs or documents uploaded to the Library. Supported formats include BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG and SVG.

    Using the content

    Once you have found the content you were searching for, you can use the Apply, Override, and Copy buttons to conveniently use the content.

    • Each click of these buttons is captured in the used count.
    • The used count helps show what Library content is used most frequently and allows you to understand what issuers are asking most often.
    • If you choose to type in your answer it will not count toward the used count.

    Using the Apply button

    Hover over the answer you want, then click Apply to insert the content in the field. If there is existing content in the field, the new content is added to it.


    Using the Override button

    When the Answer field is already populated, hover over the answer and click the down arrow to see the override option. Click Override to replace the existing content with the new.


    Using the Copy button

    Hover over the answer and click Copy to copy the answer to your computer’s clipboard, then paste it wherever you need it (such as Answer fields, online questionnaires, websites, or emails).


    Query based searches

    You can use the Search box at the top right of your screen to build search queries. A simple query consists of a field, followed by colon, followed by values. For example:
    Note: Query-based searches do not work with search and replace.

    • If you type the query answer:encrypted AND product:slack, it finds all content that contain the keyword encrypted in the answer under the product Slack (where Product is a custom field).
    • If you type the complex query (answer:encrypted AND product:slack) AND starrating:1, it finds all content that contain the keyword encrypted in the answer under the product Slack (where Product is a custom field) and the star rating is 1.

    More complex queries can be built using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT combined with parentheses, such as (language:japanese AND question:翻訳テストAND tags:(security OR japanese OR hippa)) NOT starrating:0.



    Question & Alternate questions


    Example: question:business would retrieve all Q&A pairs with the keyword 'business' in the Question.



    Example: answer:product would retrieve all Q&A pairs with the keyword 'product' in all the available Answers.

    Answer Library Key


    The key is the unique Q&A pair ID.


    Has Images / Attachment


    Star Rating






    Custom Fields

    displayname without a space

    Example: Product:Lookup

    Alert Text


  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

    Standard keyword search

    Users can search in the Content Library by entering text (Security, for example) in the Search field.

    • The occurrences of the word are highlighted and specifies the search term as a filter.
    • All search functionality gives you the results with the stemming words related to the search, which are not highlighted.

      See the video below for a quick walkthrough of the process. Click the dot to see each step.

    Phrase search

    A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes, such as “privacy and security”. This search gives you content that contains only the keywords privacy and security as the result.

    Wildcard search

    A wildcard is usually a character that is used in a search term to represent one or more other characters. Wildcards are typically either an asterisk (*) or question mark (?).

    • A question mark represents one character, so typing te?t returns matches for text, test, and content.
    • An asterisk(*) can be used to find one or more characters, and can be used at the start and/or end of the word.
      • Typing *age returns results for storage, percentage, and management, for example.
      • Typing sale* returns results for Salesforce, salespeople, and sales, for example.

    Fuzzy search

    Fuzzy searches discover terms that are similar to a specified term without having to be an exact match. To perform a fuzzy search, use the tilde ~ symbol at the end of a single-word term. So typing Slack~ returns the results overstock, track, tracking, and Slack.

    Proximity search

    Proximity searches look for contents where two or more separately matching term occurrences are within a specified distance, where distance is the number of intermediate words or characters.

    For example, typing “mandatory training”~5 returns results with five or less than five words between them.

    Boolean search

    Boolean searches allow users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT, and OR to further produce more relevant results.







    Use this when you are looking for two specific words to both appear within the content.

    "Atlantic" && "sailboat racing"

    "Atlantic" AND "sailboat racing"

    Any document where Atlantic and sailboat racing are both included.



    Use this when you are looking for one or more words.

    "sailing" || "sailboat"

    "sailing" OR "sailboat"

    The term, either before or after OR, appears in the content.


    Use this when you want to make sure you are excluding a keyword.

    "sailboat" NOT "race"

    Any content that contains sailboat, but does not contain race.

    AND operation example

    OR operation example

    NOT operation example

    Searching text on images

    Responsive uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to search for text present on images. You can look for text on images embedded within the responses of Q&A pairs or documents uploaded to the Library. Supported formats include BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG and SVG.

    Using the content

    Once you have found the content you were searching for, you can use the Apply, Override, and Copy buttons to conveniently use the content.

    • Each click of these buttons is captured in the used count.
    • The used count helps show what Library content is used most frequently and allows you to understand what issuers are asking most often.
    • If you choose to type in your answer it will not count toward the used count.

    Using the Apply button

    Hover over the answer you want, then click Apply to insert the content in the field. If there is existing content in the field, the new content is added to it.


    Using the Override button

    When the Answer field is already populated, hover over the answer and click the down arrow to see the override option. Click Override to replace the existing content with the new.


    Using the Copy button

    Hover over the answer and click Copy to copy the answer to your computer’s clipboard, then paste it wherever you need it (such as Answer fields, online questionnaires, websites, or emails).


    Query based searches

    You can use the Search box at the top right of your screen to build search queries. A simple query consists of a field, followed by colon, followed by values. For example:
    Note: Query-based searches do not work with search and replace.

    • If you type the query answer:encrypted AND product:slack, it finds all content that contain the keyword encrypted in the answer under the product Slack (where Product is a custom field).
    • If you type the complex query (answer:encrypted AND product:slack) AND starrating:1, it finds all content that contain the keyword encrypted in the answer under the product Slack (where Product is a custom field) and the star rating is 1.

    More complex queries can be built using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT combined with parentheses, such as (language:japanese AND question:翻訳テストAND tags:(security OR japanese OR hippa)) NOT starrating:0.



    Question & Alternate questions


    Example: question:business would retrieve all Q&A pairs with the keyword 'business' in the Question.



    Example: answer:product would retrieve all Q&A pairs with the keyword 'product' in all the available Answers.

    Answer Library Key


    The key is the unique Q&A pair ID.


    Has Images / Attachment


    Star Rating






    Custom Fields

    displayname without a space

    Example: Product:Lookup

    Alert Text


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