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Start Guide | Projects


Responsive is a cloud-based platform that automates and streamlines the process of responding to proposals. In this article you will learn how to use in-app features to complete a project from start to finish. For a visual guide, review the Academy course on the Foundations of Project Management.

Creating Projects

  1. Navigate to the Projects page and click New Project.
    Projects - New Project Menu.png
  2. Select Create a New Project to create a new project from scratch or Create Project From Template to begin with a project previously saved as a template.
  3. Enter the project details and follow the prompts.
    • You can use the Table of Contents links at the top left to move quickly through the sections.
    • The number of empty mandatory fields is displayed on the bottom left, and you can click the up and down arrows to move through them.
    • If your organization is set up to integrate with another application, such as Salesforce, you will be able to bring in the information on this page
  4. Click Create. Next, you will be prompted to add sections to the project.

See Creating Projects for more information.
Note: Sometimes you may want to give users the opportunity to decide if a project should be done. Intakes are projects that users can accept or reject. See Enabling and managing Intakes for more information.

Creating and assigning sections

You can add sections to the project manually, add them from section templates, or by uploading documents.

Creating and assigning sections manually

  1. Do one of the following:
    • For new projects, click Add Sections > Add Manual Sections.
    • For existing projects, click New Section > Add Manual Sections.
  2. Complete the required information as follows:
    1. Enter the name of the sections, with each section name on a different line.
    2. Establish a hierarchical structure for your content by hovering over a section and clicking the Mark as Subsection1.png or Mark as Section2.png icons.
    3. Specify a parent section from the drop-down list.
    4. If this is a new project, click Add authors enter the author(s) name. For existing projects, simply enter the name in the Assigned authors field. Names are automatically suggested as you type.
      Note: This assigns authors at the section level; you can also assign authors at the question level (for individual questions).
      • Type % to see a list of authors.
      • Click Help me choose authors to see a list of available authors and their workloads. Check the boxes associated with ones you want to add, then click Select.
      • (Optional) If your organization has enabled the SME dictionary, you can search for users from the Search Users text box. Click the FilterAdvanced to display filter options (such as users, email, tags, exclude tags, Business Units [BUs], role, status, dictionary, job title and location).
    5. Select a due date and enter a message for the author if necessary.
    6. Select a review process.
      • Select Any if any one of the reviewers can complete the review.
      • Select All if all of the reviewers must complete it. 
      • Select Sequential if all reviewers must complete the review in a specified order.
    7. Add reviewers the same way you added authors.
    8. Select Queue & Notify Later if you are assigning multiple items to the same person. This prevents recipients from receiving too many individual emails; all the notifications are sent in a single email.
      Note: If Queue & Notify Later is not enabled, authors receive emails immediately.
    9. Include a message to the reviewers and a description or help text for the section.
  3. Click Add.

See Creating and assigning sections manually for more information.

Creating and assigning section templates

If you have added any section templates in Responsive, you can browse them and select one.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • For new projects with no existing sections, click Add Sections > Section Template.
    • For existing projects, click New Section > Section Template.
  2. Select the section template you want to use, then click Next.
    Note: You can use the Advanced search to narrow your results (you can filter by group name and select health care, for example).
  3. Set the author, reviewer and parent section as applicable, then click Import.
  4. The selected sections will be imported into the project. You can rearrange the sections by doing the following:
    1. Select the checkbox in front of the section, then click Reorder.
    2. Use the handle to drag and drop the section, then click Save.

Uploading documents

You can upload documents directly to Responsive. You can upload .xlsx, .xls, .docx, and .pdf files from your computer or any of our available storage integrations (such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box).

  • The platform identifies standard Excel documents (such as SIG or CAIQ) and automatically configures the contents of the document for import.
  • Non-standard response templates, or files the platform can't identify and auto-configure, can be manually configured.

You have several options available when importing and mapping (configuring) Microsoft Excel files and Word and PDF documents. See Import Mapping Options for more information.

Uploading standard Excel documents

  1. Click Upload Document and select the standard Excel file you want to import.
  2. Review the results. 
    • If all sheets are auto-identified, the file is imported and a message will be displayed as shown below:
    • If there are unidentified sheets, a Caution icon displays with the number of unidentified sheets as shown below:
      • Expand the Unmarked sheets field to see what sheets were not identified.
      • To review the unidentified sheets and import them:
        1. Click Review and Import.
        2. When the Import page appears, make any required changes (see Importing and mapping Microsoft Excel files) and click Import.

Uploading non-standard Excel documents

  1. Click Upload Document and select the Excel file you want to import.
  2. Manually map the contents of the file. See Importing and mapping Microsoft Excel files for more information.

Uploading Word or PDF documents

  1. Click Upload Document and select the Word or PDF document you want to import.
  2. Map the document. See Importing and mapping Microsoft Word and PDF documents for more information.
    Note: If there are identical questions with different answers, we consolidate those questions into one question with multiple answer types upon import.

Adding questions to sections

You can manually add more questions to existing sections.

  1. Click the More Options menu of the section and select Add Questions.
  2. Complete the required information and click Add.

See Adding questions to sections for more information.

Assigning authors to sections

You can manually assign authors to existing sections.

Assigning authors from the Authors column

You can use this process to assign an author to sections if there are no existing authors.

  1. Click the Add icon Add_team_member_icon.PNG in the Authors column for that section.
  2. Enter the author, select the due date and time, then click Add.
    Note: When you enter an author, the Queue and Notify Later toggle turns on automatically. Turn off the toggle if you want to immediately notify the owners.

Assigning authors from the Manage Users pane

You can use this process to assign additional authors to sections.

  1. From the Sections list, click the More Options menu and select Manage Users.
  2. The Manage Users pane appears, defaulting to the Authors tab. Click Add Authors.
    Note: If some authors are already assigned, click mceclip16.png to add authors.
  3. Enter the author, select the due date and time, then click Save.
    Note: When you enter an author, the Queue and Notify Later toggle turns on automatically. Turn off the toggle if you want to immediately notify the owners.

See Assigning authors to sections for more information.

Assigning reviewers to sections

You can manually assign reviewers to existing sections.

Assigning reviewers from the Reviewers column

  1. Click the Add icon Add_team_member_icon.PNG in the Reviewers column for that section.
  2. Select a review process (Any, All, or Sequential), due date, and reviewers, then click Add.

Assigning reviewers from the Manage Users pane

  1. From the Sections list, click the More Options menu and select Manage Users.
  2. The Manage Users pane appears, defaulting to the Authors tab. Click the Reviewers tab.
  3. Select a review process (Any, All, or Sequential), due date, and reviewers, then click Add.

See Assigning reviewers to sections for more information.

Responding to your assigned questions

Questions can be assigned to individuals who have different responsibilities depending on their roles and work assignments. Authors are notified of assignments via email.

  1. Locate your assigned questions using one of the following methods:
    • My Work: Click the Responses link to see your questions, or the project name to see the project.
    • Grid View: Click View My Questions.
    • Project View: Look for your name next to the project.
    • Project Dashboard: From the Authors/Reviewers/Guests report, click the graph to go to the questions you need to focus on.
    • Email notification: Click the link in the email notification.
  2. Answer the questions accordingly, and click Save or Save and Next to move to each subsequent question, or submit for review (if reviewers have been assigned).
    Note: Ensure the Mark as Answered toggle is green to complete a question.
  3. Once all the questions have been answered in a section, click Complete Section.
  4. If any of the questions in a section are part of a review process, click Submit for Review to trigger the review.

See Responding to your assigned questions for more information.

Completing the review process

Reviews can take place at the question or section level, and reviewers can update content (such as responses or metadata), add comments, post clarifications, and more. Reviewers are notified of assignments via email.

  1. Open the review email notification and click Review Section.
  2. Click the question to review it.
  3. Turn the on the Reviewed toggle once you've reviewed the answer.
  4. Click Complete Review once all your questions have been reviewed. A success message displays upon successfully completing the review.
    Note: If multiple reviewers are assigned, and any of the reviewers tries to submit the section for review while others are working on their assigned questions, an alert displays to inform about the unanswered questions.
    • When the section is marked as complete after review, the status of the section changes from Pending review to Completed and will be displayed as shown below:
    • You can also view the green badge near the users avatar to see which user completed the section. 

See Start Guide | Review Process for more information.

Exporting Responses

Once the responses are complete and sections are reviewed, the responses can be exported to a template or the source file.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Export from the main Project menu.
    • Click Export from one of the other views.
  2. Click New export package. You can:
    Create New Export.png
    1. Enter a file name for the export package.
    2. Select the export type. You can choose between source, default Excel or any of the other template formats.
    3. Switch between Section view or Imported File view.
    4. Quickly find the section you are looking for using the search box.
    5. Select the sections you want to include in the package. If you do not want to export the selected sections, clear their checkboxes.
  3. Follow the prompts, then click Export.
  4. Once the file appears, click Download to download the file.
    Note: It may take a few minutes for the export file to appear

See Exporting active projects for more information.

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