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Start Guide | Review Process


When working on a project, the project owner can assign reviewers. Once assigned, each reviewer has the ability to review and edit the content that the author completed in the Answer field.

When a member of a compliance or legal team reviews answers authored by proposal writers, the review process can help ensure each response is compliant, has been reviewed, and can be sent off to the requestor. A reviewer might be a standard part of the proposal workflow to check for grammar, accuracy, and decide if that content should be saved in the Content Library.

Reviews can take place at the question or section level, and reviewers can update responses, metadata, add comments, post clarifications, and more. Reviewers are notified of assignments via email.

For a visual guide, refer to the Academy course on Collaboration and Review.

Review process options in projects

There are three review process options that can be assigned within projects (Any, All, and Sequential). These options can be applied at both the section and question levels.

Review process
Any When the review process is set as Any, the review status will be:
  • Review Completed, if any of the reviewers review the section or question.
  • Pending Review, if the section or question has been answered but no one has reviewed the section or question.
All  When the review process is set as All, the review status will be:
  • Review Completed, only if all reviewers review the section or question.
  • Pending Review, if the section or question has been answered, or when at least one reviewer has not reviewed the section or question.
Sequential  When the review process is set as Sequential, the review status will be:
  • Review Completed, only if all reviewers review the section or question (in sequential order).
  • Pending Review, if the section or question has been answered, or when at least one reviewer has not reviewed the section or question.

You can see the saved assignments on the Manage Sections page. Hover over the avatars to see the names of the reviewers, and hover over the triangle next to the avatars to see the assigned review process.

Review Process icons.png

  • Any and All reviews have a small triangle at the right.
    Note: When reviewers/review processes are assigned at the question level to any of the questions in a section, the section’s review process changes to Custom, which you can see upon hover. See the Editing custom processes section below for more information.
  • Sequential reviews show the avatar of each reviewer in the order the reviews are assigned, with their initials separated by >.

Assigning reviewers to sections

Reviewers can be assigned at the section level by authors on the project.

  • Reviewers receive an email notification when the assignment is made.
  • They receive a second email notification when the assigned section is ready for review.
    Note: For the Sequential review process, this email will be sent only to the first reviewer in the sequence; the other reviewers will be notified only when it is their turn to review.

Reviewers can update content (such as responses or metadata), add comments, post clarifications, and more.

Assigning reviewers from the Reviewers column

  1. Click the Add icon Add_team_member_icon.PNG in the Reviewers column for that section.
  2. Select a review process:
    • Select Any if any one of the reviewers can complete the review.
    • Select All if all of the reviewers must complete it.
    • Select Sequential if all reviewers must complete the review in a specified order. You can click and drag the handle of a reviewer to change their order.
  3. Select a due date, and reviewers, then click Add.

See Assigning reviewers to sections for more information.

Assigning reviewers from the Manage Users pane

  1. From the Sections list, click the More Options menu and select Manage Users.
  2. The Manage Users pane appears, defaulting to the Authors tab. Click the Reviewers tab.
  3. Select a review process:
    • Select Any if any one of the reviewers can complete the review.
    • Select All if all of the reviewers must complete it.
    • Select Sequential if all reviewers must complete the review in a specified order. You can click and drag the handle of a reviewer to change their order.
  4. Click Add reviewers.
    Note: If some reviewers are already assigned, click mceclip16.png to add reviewers.
    • You can click the Help me choose reviewers link to search and add authors.
    • You can click the Remove icon to remove an existing author.
    • You can type % to see a list of available authors.
  5. Set the due date, time and time zone, then click Save.

See Assigning reviewers to sections for more information.

Assigning reviewers to questions within sections

A section with many questions may require specific questions to be reviewed by a different set of reviewers following different processes than the already set reviewers and processes defined at the section level.

  • Reviewers and specific review processes can be assigned at the question level individually or in bulk.
  • Reviewers receive email notifications about the assignment regardless of whether the assignment was made individually or in bulk.

Assigning reviewers from the Manage Users pane

  1. Click the More Options menu associated with the question you want to assign and select Manage Users.
    Assign reviewers for questions.png
  2. On the Manage Users panel, click the Reviewers tab.
    • If there are existing reviewers, they will be listed. Click mceclip16.png to add additional reviewers.
    • If not, click Add Reviewers.
      Assign reviewers for questions 2.png
  3. Specify the review process, add the reviewer, and any messages (optional), and specify the due date.
    Assign reviewers for questions 3.png
  4. Turn on the Queue and Notify Later toggle if all the notifications should be queued and sent to the reviewer as one, then click Save.

See Assigning reviewers to questions within sections for more information.

Assigning reviewers to questions in bulk

  1. Select the checkboxes associated with the questions you want to assign, then click Users in the header.
    Assign reviewers for questions in bulk.png
  2. Select the Reviewers tab and assign, reassign, or remove reviewers from the question using the same methods you would for individual questions.
    Note: Users with the Team Member role can't assign questions to other users.
    Assign reviewers for questions in bulk 2.png

See Assigning reviewers to questions within sections for more information.

Editing custom processes

When reviewers/review processes are assigned at the question level to any of the questions in a section, the section’s review process changes to Custom, which you can see when you hover over the small triangle on the Manage Sections page.

Reviewers for Individual Questions.png 


When a section’s review process is custom, and you try to edit it following the steps above, the review process/reviewers are non-editable, as any edits at the section level will override all review process/reviewers’ assignments made at the question level. 

  1. To edit the review process/reviewers, click the Edit Custom Process link.
    Edit Section message for Custom Review Process.png
  2. Make your changes, then click Reset Updates to override the question level assignments.
    Edit Section message for Custom Review Process 2.png

Reassigning sections and questions

Sections can be rejected and reassigned by selecting Reassign to Author

Reassign to author.png

  • When reviewers reassign sections back to authors, the status changes from Submitted to In progress. Another email notification is sent notifying them of the section reassignment, and clicking the link in the email takes the author to the section that need their attention.
  • Reviewers can also comment on the section content to provide added information regarding the review process. For more information about comments, see Using Comments to Collaborate.
  • The changes made by the reviewer/reviewers can be viewed from the Activities pane. For more information, see Viewing Project Activities.

See Reassigning sections and questions for more information.

Submitting sections for review

Once all of the questions have been answered and the section is ready for review, click Submit for Review.

Submit for Review - 1.png

  • The Submit for Review button changes to Complete Review, and the Pending Review icon pending review.png is added to the section.
    Submit for Review - 2.png
  • A yellow border is added to the questions that require review.
    Submit for Review - 3.png
  • Email notifications are sent to the reviewer to let them know the section is ready for review. 
  • Reviewers can approve the section by clicking the Complete Review button. They can also edit answers and then click the Reviewed toggle. The border then changes to green.

See Assigning reviewers to sections for more information.

Completing a review

Reviewers can approve the section by clicking the Complete Review button. They can also edit answers and then click the Reviewed toggle. The border then changes to green.
Note: You can't revert a questions status once it's been marked as reviewed, but you can reopen completed sections


  • If the question’s review status is Sequential, the Reviewed toggle appears to the next reviewer in the sequence once the previous reviewer marks their question(s) as Reviewed.
  • When a reviewer enables the Reviewed toggle, a green checkmark appears next to their avatar in the question's header.
    Sequential Review 1.png

When a reviewer clicks on the Complete Review button:

  • All assigned questions will be marked as reviewed.
    Review Completed.png
  • All questions assigned will be marked as reviewed.
    Review Completed 2.png

See Responding to your assigned questions for more information.

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