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Start Guide | Administrator/Manager


This article is designed to help new Administrators and Managers perform their tasks in Responsive.

  • Administrators have full control over the company. They can edit Company settings, invite users, create new projects, and edit all sections and answers across all projects.
  • Managers have full control of projects they are invited to or they create. They can create, edit, assign project/sections to the team member and respond to the questions. However, they are limited to projects they are involved in and can not see every project across the instance.

Creating Projects

  1. Navigate to the Projects page and click New Project.
    Projects - New Project Menu.png
  2. Select Create a New Project to create a new project from scratch or Create Project From Template to begin with a project previously saved as a template.
  3. Enter the project details and follow the prompts.
    • You can use the Table of Contents links at the top left to move quickly through the sections.
    • The number of empty mandatory fields is displayed on the bottom left, and you can click the up and down arrows to move through them.
    • If your organization is set up to integrate with another application, such as Salesforce, you will be able to bring in the information on this page.
  4. Click Create. Next, you will be prompted to add sections to the project.

See Creating Projects for more information.
Note: Sometimes you may want to give users the opportunity to decide if a project should be done. Intakes are projects that users can accept or reject. See Enabling and managing Intakes for more information.

Creating and assigning sections

You can create and assign sections manually, or use Section templates to add boilerplate content to projects.
Note: You can also Bulk assign sections and questions to project members.

Creating and assigning sections manually in projects

  1. Go to the Sections page of the project and click New Section > Add Manual Sections.
    Projects - Add Manual Sections 1.png
  2. Complete the required information, then click Add.
    Projects - Add Manual Sections 2.png

See Creating and assigning sections manually in projects for more information.

Creating and assigning section templates in projects

  1. From the Answering page of the project, click the More Options menu associated with the section you want to use as a template and click Save as template.
  2. Enter a template name, select a collection to add it to (if applicable), then click Save.

See Creating and assigning section templates in projects for more information.
Note: Section templates must be updated from the Sections tab of the Content Library. See the Updating section templates section of Working with section templates in the Content Library for more information.

See Assigning authors to sections and Assigning sections and questions to guest users for more information.

Assigning and reassigning questions

Administrators and managers have the option to assign questions to subject matter experts (SMEs) within their organization.

You can also view assigned questions, view which questions are assigned to which authors, set up default authors and reviewers, and bulk assign sections and questions to project members.

  1. Click the More Options menu for the question you want to assign and select Manage Users.
  2. Click the Add icon and begin typing the name of the person or team you want to add as an author.
    • You can click the Remove icon to remove an existing author.
    • You can type % to see a list of available authors.
  3. Select the person or team that you want.
  4. Specify if you want to include a custom message in the notification, and if you want that message to be included with tracked comments.
  5. If you plan to send multiple notifications to the same person or team, select Queue & Notify Later so they only receive one notification. Otherwise the notification will be sent immediately.
  6. Click Save.

See Assigning authors to questions within sections, Assigning sections and questions to guest users, and Reassigning sections and questions for more information.

Using clarifications in projects

If you and your team have questions about something in a questionnaire, you can use clarifications to compile your questions and return them to the questionnaire issuer to get more information to help you complete it.

  • You can enter clarifications for the project and then export them into an Excel spreadsheet. After the issuer updates the spreadsheet with the needed information, you can import it into Responsive.
  • Clarifications can be added at the project level and the question level.
    • Clarifications posted at the question level can also be seen in the Clarifications tab.
    • You can bundle and export all clarifications by using the Export button on the Clarifications screen inside the project.

See Using clarifications in projects for more information.

Using comments to collaborate

Use comments to collaborate with your team members. Start a discussion on questions, sections, and documents to track information about content and keep team members informed.

  • You can tag a team member in the comment by @mentioning their name.
    • Each user mentioned in a comment receives an email notification with a link to the discussion.
    • If a user has not added a comment or is not @mentioned in the discussion, but would like receive email notifications about it, they can use the Follow discussion toggle to follow it.
  • You can also @mention Responsive teams so each member of the team will receive an email notification with a link to the discussion.
    • You can see the team assignment when you look at the comment on the Discussions page.
    • If you are a member of the team, the comment appears with your other direct comments when you select My Discussions.
      Note: Any member of the team can resolve the comment.

See Using comments to collaborate for more information. 

Creating and assigning new tasks

If you want to create internal deadlines not necessarily associated with a specific question or section (like a first draft due date), or track clarifications, comments, and questions across a project, you can create and assign tasks at the project and question levels.

See Creating and assigning new tasks for more information.
Note: You can use task templates to help you create tasks. See Creating task templates for more information.

Exporting responses

You can export the response once a section is completed. Whether a project is completed and ready to submit, or you want to run a test to preview the final output, you can always generate a new export of an active project.

  • Exports will include everything at the moment of generation. If you change the content after an export you must create a new export to see those changes.
  • When you manually add Q&A pairs to a section, the manually added sections will be exported in the default Word template and not to the source file.

See Exporting active projects for more information.

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