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Setting up the Dictionary for Requirements Analysis


The Requirements Analysis Dictionary feature helps Proposal management teams put together a set of commonly used or industry-specific keywords as a dictionary. Requirements Analysis comes with a pre-built default dictionary; however, you can create custom dictionaries to meet the specific needs of your project.

Similar to a SME Dictionary, once created these dictionaries can be reused across all projects or workspaces. See Using the Auto Recommend Authors and Reviewer (SME Dictionary) Feature for more information on SME dictionaries.

There are three ways to create custom dictionaries:

  • Creating a new custom dictionary from scratch.
  • Cloning, then customizing, an existing dictionary.
  • Importing a set of keywords from an Excel (.xlsx) file.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Creating a New Custom Dictionary

    1. Go to Organization Settings > Requirements Analysis > Dictionary. The Organization Settings - Dictionary page is displayed.
    2. Click Add New.
    3. On the Add Dictionary section, enter a unique name for the dictionary, a description (optional), the Business Unit (BU) if enabled, and set the Type to Requirements Analysis.

      Note: You can disable a Dictionary by setting the Dictionary Status to Inactive.
    4. Multiple sets of keywords can be saved as categories within a dictionary. To create a category, click the Add Category icon or Add Category.

      Note: Each category within a dictionary must have a unique name.
    5. On the Add Category pop-up, enter a name for the category, and add the keywords (separated by a comma). You can also search for keywords.
    6. Click Add Category.

    Cloning an Existing Dictionary

    To get a jump start, you can clone or duplicate an existing dictionary and customize it to suit your needs. If there are no existing dictionaries, you can duplicate the default dictionary.

    1. On the Dictionary page, click the three-dot menu on a dictionary and click Duplicate.
      • If you have selected to duplicate the default dictionary, you will see the following options:
      • If you have selected to duplicate an existing dictionary, you will see a menu as shown:

    2. On the success toast, click View to display the Edit Dictionary page.
    3. Edit the dictionary options as needed.

    4. Click Add Category to add a category, or Duplicate or Delete the categories if applicable.
    5. Click Save.

    Importing Keywords from Excel

    If you already have compiled a list of keywords in Excel (.xlsx) file, you can import them to Responsive and then set up your dictionary.

    1. On the Dictionary page, click Import.
    2. On the Import from Excel section, enter a unique name for the dictionary, a description (optional), and BU (if enabled).

    3. Click Select File to browse and select your file.
      Note: In order to successfully add the categories and keywords, the data on the Excel file must be in a standard format. View the sample template by clicking Download sample import template.

    4. Click Import.

    Editing dictionary

    You can update the dictionary, even when the dictionary is being used in other matrices. The updated dictionary will be applicable only for the document that will be shredded in the future and not for the already shredded documents.

    Image 20-11-2023 at 1.05 pm.jpg

    When a dictionary is updated in the Organization Settings, a Dictionary Update icon displays for the matrices created with that dictionary. 

    Clicking the icon provides options to either ignore the change or update the matrix based on the modified dictionary. You can also see the keywords that were added or removed from the dictionary.
    Note: Updating the matrix will re-shred it, and overwrite all changes made.

  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

    Creating a New Custom Dictionary

    1. Go to Organization Settings > Requirements Analysis > Dictionary. The Organization Settings - Dictionary page is displayed.
    2. Click Add New.
    3. On the Add Dictionary section, enter a unique name for the dictionary, a description (optional), the Business Unit (BU) if enabled, and set the Type to Requirements Analysis.

      Note: You can disable a Dictionary by setting the Dictionary Status to Inactive.
    4. Multiple sets of keywords can be saved as categories within a dictionary. To create a category, click the Add Category icon or Add Category.

      Note: Each category within a dictionary must have a unique name.
    5. On the Add Category pop-up, enter a name for the category, and add the keywords (separated by a comma). You can also search for keywords.
    6. Click Add Category.

    Cloning an Existing Dictionary

    To get a jump start, you can clone or duplicate an existing dictionary and customize it to suit your needs. If there are no existing dictionaries, you can duplicate the default dictionary.

    1. On the Dictionary page, click the three-dot menu on a dictionary and click Duplicate.
      • If you have selected to duplicate the default dictionary, you will see the following options:

      • If you have selected to duplicate an existing dictionary, you will see a menu as shown:
    2. On the success toast, click View to display the Dictionary page.
    3. Edit the dictionary options as needed.
    4. Click Add Category to add a category, or Duplicate or Delete the categories if applicable.
    5. Click Save.

    Importing Keywords from Excel

    If you already have compiled a list of keywords in Excel (.xlsx) file, you can import them to Responsive and then set up your dictionary.

    1. On the Dictionary page, click Import.
    2. On the Import from Excel section, enter a unique name for the dictionary, a description (optional), and BU (if enabled).
    3. Click Select File to browse and select your file.
      Note: In order to successfully add the categories and keywords, the data on the Excel file must be in a standard format. View the sample template by clicking Download sample import template.

    4. Click Import.

    Editing dictionary

    You can update the dictionary, even when the dictionary is being used in other matrices. The updated dictionary will be applicable only for the document that will be shredded in the future and not for the already shredded documents.

    Image 20-11-2023 at 1.05 pm.jpg

    When a dictionary is updated in the Organization Settings, a Dictionary Update icon displays for the matrices created with that dictionary. 

    Clicking the icon provides options to either ignore the change or update the matrix based on the modified dictionary. You can also see the keywords that were added or removed from the dictionary.
    Note: Updating the matrix will re-shred it, and overwrite all changes made.

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