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Managing privacy settings in the Content Library


As your Content Library grows, you may need to restrict some content to specific users. That may mean only certain people can see the answers or only some should have the ability to edit specific answers.


If you do not have Edit permission for the content you have selected, or if the content is currently in Moderation or Review, you cannot change the permissions.

Managing privacy settings in the Content Library

  1. Search for the content you need to restrict, and then select their checkboxes.
  2. Select the More menu on the header, and then click Other Bulk Options.
  3. Select Privacy on the left pane. Select the privacy settings for the content you selected. You can specify that everyone has view access or edit access. You can also specify access by user role.
  4. Select Replace Roles to remove existing roles for the content and add new ones that you are specifying. Specify Append Roles to keep existing roles for the content and add new ones that you are specifying.
  5. Begin typing in the View Privacy or Edit Privacy fields to see the roles. When you are finished, click Update.

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