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Managing pending content reviews in the Content Library


As an Admin user, you may need to view what your owners are currently working on and reviewing. The Content Library Review page aggregates all of the content that is pending owner review. This allows owners to modify the content during the review while a copy of the pre-review version is available to users in the Content Library. The copy available in the Content Library is locked for any modifications, and is unlocked when the owner completes the review.

  • If you need to complete the review cycle to move the content through its life cycle, you can mark the content as reviewed.
  • Admins and Super Admins can complete pending content reviews even if they are not the owners of the content.


You must be an Admin to complete this process. If your organization uses Custom Roles, the Admin role must have the Content Library Setting and Content Library Edit All permissions to be able to complete review

Viewing pending reviews

  1. Go to the Review page of the Content Library.
  2. Do the following as needed:
  3. To filter for user-specific content click All Content and select a the user name. You can search for users and filter their content.
  4. Use the filters to find the content that you want to look at.
    • Note that content that is pending review is comprised of any content where a review cycle has been activated. This includes any content that is overdue (the due date has passed and it's marked with a red exclamation mark badge), as well as content in a current review cycle.
    • For example, if the Review task creation field is set to 7 in the Organization Settings, any content within seven days of it's due date is considered in an active review cycle and the content moves to the Review page. See Setting default review cycles for more information.

Completing content reviews (Admins) 

Admins can complete review for content they are not the assigned Owner of. Additionally, Admins who are assigned as an owner to content with an All review process in a review cycle can complete the review for all of the owners to mark the content as reviewed and push it out of the review cycle. 

  1. Select the content that you would like to review and then click Complete Review. You can do this for individual content or in bulk.
  2. Click Complete Review and do the following:
    • Mark my work as complete: Select this option to mark only your work as complete.
    • Mark all reviewers' work as complete: Select this option to mark all reviewers'' work as complete, and it will push the content from Review to Library page.
  3. Once the required option is selected, click Yes to complete the review.
    • The content will then be moved to the Library or the Moderation page, based on the moderation preferences you have set.
    • If the content reviewer and moderator are the same user, once the review is completed, the content will skip moderation and will be moved to the Library. However, if the review process is All, only if the last reviewer is a moderator, the content will be moved to the Library.

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