The best way to import the Q&A pairs from a completed SIG file is to import the file into a project and save the answers to the Content Library. The SIG file must be formatted per standard SIG file configuration.
Importing completed SIG files to the Content Library
- Create a new project (as a best practice we recommend naming the project after the SIG file).
- Import the SIG file into the project. The File format will be auto-detected.
- Click Go to Sections. All questions and answers are imported into the project.
- Ensure Project Settings (in the Menu) is enabled within the project for all content saved in the Content Library.
- Mark all sections as complete, either individually or in bulk (at the section level, select all Section boxes > More > Complete Sections).
Note: If Content Library Moderation is enabled, the Q&A pairs will be pending in moderation until accepted by Admin users.