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Enabling and managing Intakes


Intake helps teams submit their project request as Intakes to the RFP team. The intake is submitted to the designated user(s), who can approve it or reject it. 

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Enabling Intake Management

    1. Go to Organization Settings > Intake Settings and turn on the Intake toggle.
    2. Click Configure.
    3. Enter the email address of the users who should be notified when a new Intake is created in the Users field.
      Note: Multiple email addresses can be specified.
    4. Click Close. Successfully enabling Intake will display a Success message.
    5. Turn on the Intake Metadata toggle and enter values for the fields that should be pre-defined on intake creation.
    6. Click Submit. Successfully enabling Intake Metadata will display a Preferences Updated message.

      For details, click through the following walkthrough:

    Creating and Managing Intakes

    You can create and manage intakes from the Manage Intake page.

    Select Intake from the App Launcher menu to view the Pending Intakes page.

    • You can navigate to Pending, Accepted, Rejected, and Archived intakes tabs by clicking the respective icons from the left navigation menu. The number adjacent to the icons indicates how many intakes it has.
    • Search and Advanced Search features make it easy to find specific intakes.
    • The My Intakes/All Intakes toggle lets users display all intakes or just their own.
    • The Customize Column lets users change the columns displayed on the page as they can in the Projects module.
    • Click the green checkmark to accept the intake or the red x to reject it. Click the Trash icon to delete the intake.
    • Hover over the Attachments icon to see information about the source and supporting documents.

    Users receive an email notification when they are assigned as a primary contact, when they are mentioned in a discussion, and when an email is sent to them from the Team Members tab.

    Creating Intakes

    1. Click New Intake on any of the Intake pages to create an intake. Enter the information in the fields and upload any source and supporting documents.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Click an intake to display it on the About page.
    4. Do one of the following:
      • Click Accept at the top of the About page to make the intake a project. It will move from the Pending tab to the Accepted tab, and will appear in the Projects module.
      • Click Reject at the top of the About page to reject the intake. It will move from the Pending tab to the Rejected tab.
    5. From the left pane, you can switch to view Documents, Discussions, Team, and Survey as needed.
    6. The right pane shows one of the uploaded documents, and allows you to preview it.

      1. The name of the displayed document. Click the arrow to choose a different one
      2. Download the document
      3. Preview the document 
      4. Close the document
      5. Display the document:
        1. Thumbnails
        2. Outline
        3. Attachments
      6. Search within the document
      7. Page through the document or enter the page number
      8. Zoom controls
      9. Switch the document to presentation mode
      10. Print the document
      11. More options, including Presentation mode, go to the first or last page, rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, enable the text selection or hand tool, scrolling, properties, and more.

        For details, click through the following walkthrough:

    Documents Page

    Click the Documents icon from the left navigation pane to see a list of the uploaded source and supporting documents.

    • The Advanced Search options let you look for source documents, supporting documents, who uploaded them, and the date range in which they were created.
    • Click the corresponding icons to preview, download, or delete the document. Click +Add Documents to upload more source and supporting documents.
    • To download or delete multiple documents, check the boxes next to them (or select the checkbox in the header to select all of them), then click Download or Delete.

    Discussions Page

    Click the Discussions icon from the left navigation pane to see any existing discussions.

    • Click the All/My Discussions toggle to see all the discussions or just yours.
    • The Advanced Search options let you look for comments by status, @mentions, keywords, who added a comment, and the date range in which the comment was created.
    • Click Start New Discussion to create a discussion.
    • Enter a name for the discussion and click Create. If you are the creator of the discussion, Follow discussion will be selected automatically and you will receive notification about the discussion.
    • Click the Information icon information_icon.PNG to see properties of the discussion.
    • Select the More Options menu for the discussion to rename or delete it.
    • Click + New Thread to add a thread for the discussion.
    • Enter the discussion thread. If you @mention anyone who is not already on the team, you will be prompted to add them. Attach files as needed. Click Send.
    • Select the More Options menu for the thread to edit or delete it.
    • Select the More Options menu for an attachment to preview or download it.
    • When the thread has been resolved, a team member will click Resolve. Responsive logs who resolved the thread and when. Click information_icon.PNG to see it.

    Team Members Page

    Click Team from the left navigation pane to see the Team Members page.

    • The Project Primary Contact is identified. You can also see if a team member has not yet been verified.
    • Click the Envelope icon to send an email to the team member.  To send an email to multiple team members, select multiple checkboxes or select the checkbox in the header. Click Send Message.
    • Click + Add Team Members to add a team member. You can invite an existing user or a new one. 

    Managing Intakes

    Team members are notified when intakes are created.

    Accepting Intakes

    When you click Accept on the About page or the Pending Intakes page, the intake becomes a project and data from the intake is added to the project. Do the following:

    1. Select if the discussions and team members should be included in the project, then click Accept.
    2. Once the Create Project page displays the information from the intake, make the necessary changes, then click Create.
    3. The accepted intake appears on the Accepted Intakes page. You can click the View Project icon to see the Project Dashboard in the Projects module or click the Delete icon to delete it.

      • Additional items appear on the menu once an intake is approved.
      • You cannot archive an intake directly; it must become a project first. After the project is archived it will appear on the Archived Intakes page.

    Rejecting an Intake

    When rejecting an intake, enter the users who should be notified and a reason for the rejection, then click Reject. The intake is moved to the Rejected Intakes page.

    You can:

    • Click the Information icon to see the reason for the rejection.
    • Click the Reopen icon to move it back to the Pending Intakes page.

    About Project Page

    The About Project page only appears on the left menu after the intake has been accepted. It shows information about the project. Click View Project to see the project in the Project module.

    Overview Page

    This Dashboard overview is available from the menu after an Intake has been accepted. 

    It shows the following:

    • Project due date
    • Number of team members
    • Number of pending tasks
    • Number of sections with their status (Not Started, Pending, In Progress, Completed)
    • Number of questions with their status (Not Answered, Answered)
    • Status by authors, reviewers, or guests
    • Project stage information.
    • Answer Library and Auto Respond usage (Not Answered, Manual, Auto Respond Used and Edited, Auto Responded, Answer Library Used and Edited, Answer Library Used).

    Hover over the graphs to see details.

    Sections Page

    After an Intake is accepted and a file has been uploaded, the Sections option appears on the menu. You can see the sections for the project, who is working on it, and the status. Click View Project to see the project in the Project module.

  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

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