Admins in Responsive can set up Related Word Sets in the Organization Settings to boost the keyword search. Content Library related words pull in related words during a Content Library search. The related word sets act as a dictionary of similar words, synonyms or antonyms, as grouped by the user. By default, the system has a set of related words in UK-US English that users can leverage.
When words have different spellings in US English and UK English but you want to fetch them together (Utilise [UK] and Utilize [US] for example); or when abbreviations are used in content but you want to fetch both words while searching (End of Day and EOD for example). For instance, if you are in the Healthcare industry you may have multiple ways to reference or abbreviate HIPPA / Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
For a visual guide, refer to the Academy course on Content Library Related Words.
You must have access to Organization Settings to create related words.
Creating related words
- Go to Organization Settings > Content Library > Related Words, then click Create New.
- Enter multiple related words separated by comma (,) semi-colon (;), or press Enter after each word.
Note: As a best practice, we recommend not using hyphenated words since these can produce fewer search results (for instance, use TextExample instead of Text-Example). - Click Create to save the word set. The added word set displays as Manually Added.
- Click Manually Added to display the newly added related words.
- To edit or delete the word set, click the respective icons.