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Creating and adding content to collections


Collections provide a way to segment and restrict information within your Content Library. An example use case for this would be if you have content specific to a geographical location and you wanted to restrict and provide access to the users within each region. You can create a collection for each region (such as the United States, Europe, or Asia Pacific) and assign your team members accordingly. For a visual guide, refer to the Academy course Content Library Collections.

Q&A pairs, document, sections, and catalogs and files can be included in collections.


You must be an Admin with access to Organization Settings in order to create and edit collections.

Creating Collections

  1. Go to Organization Settings > Content Library > Collections and click Create New.
  2. Enter a name for your collection.
  3. Select the primary Business Unit (BU), then select the BUs you want to share the collections with (if applicable).
    Note: When collections are shared across BUs, users in the BU can view the collection's content. They can use the content but they can't edit it.
  4. Select the users who can access each solution.
  5. Click Create.

See the video below for a quick walkthrough of the process. Click the dot to see each step.

Adding or removing contents

Adding or removing content individually

  1. Locate the content you want to add to the collection and click the Edit icon.
  2. Expand the Privacy, Usage and Review section and do one of the following:
    • Choose the collections you want to add from the drop-down list.
    • Click the X next to the collections you want to remove.
  3. Click Save.
    • Once contents are added to a collection, you can view the contents mapped to a collection by clicking the collection name from the Organization Settings.
    • Content filtered based on the selected collection is displayed below:

Adding or removing contents in bulk

  1. Select the checkboxes for each item you want to add or remove, or select the checkbox in the header to select all the displayed content, then click Collections.
  2. The Advanced Bulk Options pop-up appears with the Privacy, Usage and Review section expanded by default. Do one of the following under the Collections section:
    • The Add radio button is selected by default. To add collections, begin typing the name of the collection or select it from the menu.
    • Click the Remove radio button to remove collections. Begin typing the name of the collection, or select it from the menu.
  3. Click Update.

See the video below for a quick walkthrough of the process. Click the dot to see each step.

Sharing collections

You can share collections with BUs at the content level, collection level, and user level.

Sharing collections at the content level

  1. Select a the checkbox for one or more contents (of the same type) from the Content Library. Select More, and then click Other Bulk Options.
  2. Expand the Privacy, Usage and Review heading, and then select Shared Business Units.
  3. Select Add or Remove, depending on whether you want to share the collection with the BU or end the existing sharing. Select All to share it with all BUs, or click Selected and specify one or more BU names.
  4. By default, view and edit privacy will be enabled. To restrict it to only specific users, select Privacy and then specify the roles for View Privacy and Edit Privacy.
  5. Click Update to save the selections.

When a collection is shared across BU, by default users in the BU can view and edit the collection contents. However, if view and edit privacy are set at the content level, the restrictions will be applicable for users in the BU.

In the above example, all users in the BU - Europe will be able to view the content; however, only Admins and Super Admins can edit the contents. Even when the collection is shared across the BU - Europe, this question will have edit restrictions applicable for all of the users in the shared BU.

Sharing collections at the collection level

Sharing collections from the Content Library

  1. Select a collection from the facet filters of the Content Library. 
  2. Select all the content, click More, select Other Bulk Options. The Advanced Bulk Options pop-up will be displayed.
  3. Open Privacy, Usage and Review
  4. Select Shared Business Unit and then select Selected.
  5. Enter the name of the Business Unit with which the collection has to be shared.
  6. Click Update.

All contents in the collection will be shared with users in the shared business unit. By default, users can view and edit contents from the collection; however, restrictions would be applied if privacy is set for any/all of the contents at the content level.

Sharing collections from Organization Settings

When collections are shared across BUs, users in the BU can view and use the collection's content but can't edit it.

  1. Go to Organizational Settings > Content Library > Collections, then click the More options menu and select Edit.
  2. Select the BUs you want to share the collections with, then click Update.

Sharing collections at the user level

  1. Go to Organization Settings > Users > Manage Users and check the boxes next to the users you want to share the BU with.
  2. Click Bulk Update Users.
  3. Expand the Roles and Business section on the Bulk Updates pane, click the Selected radio button under Shared business units, then select the BUs you want to share.
  4. Click Update. A success message will be displayed along with the shared BUs. All contents in the collection of the shared BU will be displayed to the user, based on the privacy set at each content level.

Exporting Collections

You can export collections to Excel. You can separately export My Collections and Partner’s Collections.

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