Responsive allows you to select Q&A pairs, documents, section templates, and catalogs as your favorites.
Your favorites are only visible to you. They do not appear on the Project Dashboard page for a project or on any Responsive reports.
Favorites are not tracked in Activities. If content is in Moderation or Review in the Content Library, you cannot mark it as a favorite. You do not need any permissions to mark favorites.
Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.
The Content Library lets you flag a content as favorites by clicking the heart icon. Click the icon again to remove the content as a favorite.
Favorites is included as a filter, and the number of favorites on that tab is included. The number of favorites on each tab (Library, Moderation, or Review) are not included in the count on the other two tabs.
When responding to questions, recommendations show if the content is a favorite.When responding to questions, you can use the Advanced Search feature to specify that you want your Recommendations to include your favorites.
- Yes: Include only content that is marked as a Favorite in the Recommendations
- No: Do not include any content that is marked in the Recommendations
- Any: Include content that matches the search criteria regardless of whether it is marked as a Favorite or not
Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or accountmanagers@responsive.io, for more details.
The Content Library lets you flag a content as favorites by clicking the heart icon. Click the icon again to remove the content as a favorite.
Favorites is included as a filter, and the number of favorites on that tab is included. The number of favorites on each tab (Library, Moderation, or Review) are not included in the count on the other two tabs.
When responding to questions, recommendations show if the content is a favorite.When responding to questions, you can use the Advanced Search feature to specify that you want your Recommendations to include your favorites.
- Yes: Include only content that is marked as a Favorite in the Recommendations
- No: Do not include any content that is marked in the Recommendations
- Any: Include content that matches the search criteria regardless of whether it is marked as a Favorite or not