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Creating Requests from Templates


You can use templates to create requests.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

    1. Click Requests from the left navigation pane. The Manage Requests page appears.
    2. Click Create New. The request creation window appears with the following options:
      • Create new request
      • Creating Request from a template 
      • Create a Template


    Creating Request from Template 

    1. Select Create From Template. The Select Template page appears with the list of available Request templates.
    2. Click on a template to select it. The template’s Summary page appears.
    3. Click Choose This Template. You will be navigated to the New Request page. 


    Request Basic Details

    1. Specify the request name, select the request type (mandatory).
    2. Specify the deal size.
    3. Select the request stage from the drop-down list. 
    4. Specify the request owner. 


    Request Timeline

    1. Select the Timezone.
    2. Specify the date and time for Clarification Submission Due Date, Response Due Date, Result Announcement Date, and Publish Date.

    Note: Publish Due Date and Response Due Date are mandatory fields.



    1. Click Create.

    A success message appears and you will be navigated to the Summary page.



    The summary details will be pre-populated from the template. However, you can make modifications, as required. 

    1. Click Next. The Questionnaire page appears.



    The Questionnaire will be pre-populated from the template. However, you can add, remove, or modify sections/questions as required. 

    1. Click Next. The Scorecard page appears.



    1. The default scorecard will appear with the max score set in the Request Settings and default priority of 10 for all questions.
      Note: To change the existing score card and add a new one, refer to Create Scorecard.
    2. To update the priority of each question, select the value from the drop-down.
    3. To equalize the weightage for each question based on the priority set, click the three-dot icon and select Equalize weight.


    • To reset the values, select Reset Values from the three-dot menu.
    • To turn off the priorities, turn off the Priority toggle from the three-dot menu.


    Adding Evaluators

    1. Click the plus icon adjacent to Evaluators. The Add Evaluators pop-up appears.
    2. Click Add Evaluators. The Evaluators section appears, specify the evaluator and click Save.
    3. Repeat the process to add more evaluators.
    4. To assign an evaluator to a section, select the associated checkbox.
    5. Click Save.


    1. Once the scorecard is set and evaluators are added, click Next. The Responders page appears.



    1. To add a new responder, click New Responder. The Create Responder pop-up appears.
    2. Specify the details and click Save.
    3. You can also select responders from the list of already available responders.
    4. Once the responders are selected, click Next to view the list of existing responders. 

    Note: You can anytime add more responders by clicking Add Responders.

    Note: At any time from the request creation till publishing, 

    • you can view the questionnaire preview by selecting Preview from the three-dot menu.
    • You can view and manage the request settings by selecting Request Settings from the three-dot menu.



    1. Click Publish to publish the request. The Publish Requests to Respondents pop-up appears.
    2. You can modify the request stage, if required.
    3. Specify a subject and content and click Publish. The request would be published and a notification email will be sent to the respondents.


    The newly created request (from template) will be displayed in the request page. You will have options to complete, cancel, archive, or delete the request from this page. Selecting the required option will display the corresponding dialog box. You can specify the details and proceed with the action. 

  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

    1. Click Requests from the left navigation pane. The Manage Requests page appears.
    2. Click Create New. The request creation window appears with the following options:
      • Create new request
      • Creating Request from a template 
      • Create a Template


    Creating Request from Template 

    1. Select Create From Template. The Select Template page appears with the list of available Request templates.
    2. Click on a template to select it. The template’s Summary page appears.
    3. Click Choose This Template. You will be navigated to the New Request page. 


    Request Basic Details

    1. Specify the request name, select the request type (mandatory).
    2. Specify the deal size.
    3. Select the request stage from the drop-down list. 
    4. Specify the request owner. 


    Request Timeline

    1. Select the Timezone.
    2. Specify the date and time for Clarification Submission Due Date, Response Due Date, Result Announcement Date, and Publish Date.

    Note: Publish Due Date and Response Due Date are mandatory fields.



    1. Click Create.

    A success message appears and you will be navigated to the Summary page.



    The summary details will be pre-populated from the template. However, you can make modifications, as required. 

    1. Click Next. The Questionnaire page appears.



    The Questionnaire will be pre-populated from the template. However, you can add, remove, or modify sections/questions as required. 

    1. Click Next. The Scorecard page appears.



    1. The default scorecard will appear with the max score set in the Request Settings and default priority of 10 for all questions.
      Note: To change the existing score card and add a new one, refer to Create Scorecard.
    2. To update the priority of each question, select the value from the drop-down.
    3. To equalize the weightage for each question based on the priority set, click the three-dot icon and select Equalize weight.


    • To reset the values, select Reset Values from the three-dot menu.
    • To turn off the priorities, turn off the Priority toggle from the three-dot menu.


    Adding Evaluators

    1. Click the plus icon adjacent to Evaluators. The Add Evaluators pop-up appears.
    2. Click Add Evaluators. The Evaluators section appears, specify the evaluator and click Save.
    3. Repeat the process to add more evaluators.
    4. To assign an evaluator to a section, select the associated checkbox.
    5. Click Save.


    1. Once the scorecard is set and evaluators are added, click Next. The Responders page appears.



    1. To add a new responder, click New Responder. The Create Responder pop-up appears.
    2. Specify the details and click Save.
    3. You can also select responders from the list of already available responders.
    4. Once the responders are selected, click Next to view the list of existing responders. 

    Note: You can anytime add more responders by clicking Add Responders.

    Note: At any time from the request creation till publishing, 

    • you can view the questionnaire preview by selecting Preview from the three-dot menu.
    • You can view and manage the request settings by selecting Request Settings from the three-dot menu.



    1. Click Publish to publish the request. The Publish Requests to Respondents pop-up appears.
    2. You can modify the request stage, if required.
    3. Specify a subject and content and click Publish. The request would be published and a notification email will be sent to the respondents.


    The newly created request (from template) will be displayed in the request page. You will have options to complete, cancel, archive, or delete the request from this page. Selecting the required option will display the corresponding dialog box. You can specify the details and proceed with the action. 

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