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Updating Team Member Permissions


You can update the permissions of team members.

Select the applicable tab for your edition of Responsive.

  • Updating Team Member Permissions

    1. Navigate to either the Active, Profile, or Team tab.
    2. Depending on the tab you are on, click the stack of team members' avatars or the Manage icon.
    3. This action will open the Manage Team Members pop-up, which displays a list of members who currently have access to the profile.
    4. Locate the team member whose permission you want to modify.
    5. Select the appropriate permission level for that team member.
    6. Click Confirm on the confirmation pop-up to update the permission.
      Note: Only Admins and Managers can be assigned as Collaborators.
  • Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or, for more details.

    Updating Team Member Permissions

    1. Navigate to either the Active, Profile, or Team tab.
    2. Depending on the tab you are on, click the stack of team members' avatars or the Manage icon.
    3. This action will open the Manage Team Members pop-up, which displays a list of members who currently have access to the profile.
    4. Locate the team member whose permission you want to modify.
    5. Select the appropriate permission level for that team member.
    6. Click Confirm on the confirmation pop-up to update the permission.
      Note: Only Admins and Managers can be assigned as Collaborators.

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