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Customizing Profiles


Once you have created the profile you can change the default cover and profile images.

Customizing Profiles

Updating Profile Images

To change the profile image, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the profile image on the top left. Then click Upload Image.
  2. Select the image you want from your computer.
    Note: The recommended image size is 800x200px.
  3. Reposition the focus to the area of the image you desire and then click Save Image.09

Updating Cover Images

To change or update the cover image, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Edit Cover. Then click Upload Image.
  2. Select the image you want from your computer.
    Note: The recommended image size is 1536x786px.
  3. Reposition the focus to the area of the image you desire and then click Save Image.

Removing Cover Images

Profiles are initially created with a default cover image. If you wish to remove this image from your profile, click the delete Delete icon located at the bottom right corner of the image. Then, select Delete on the confirmation pop-up.

Restoring Cover Images

After removing the cover image, if you wish to restore the default image, click Add Cover beside the profile image.

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