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Configuring Custom Object Types for Salesforce for Proposal Builder


Along with configuring object types, you can configure custom object types in Salesforce. This enables associating Responsive Proposal Builder with custom object types such as Asset, Deals, Campaigns, and more.


Users must have the System Administrator privilege in Salesforce and Company Administrator privilege in Responsive to complete the installation.

Configuring Custom Object Type on Salesforce

  1. Click Setup from the top navigation bar.
    PB - Salesforce Setup.png
  2. From the Build section of the left navigation pane, select Create > Objects.
  3. Click ResponsiveProposals.
  4. Scroll down to the Custom Fields & Relationships section and click New.
    PB - Custom Fields & Relationships - New.png
  5. Click Lookup Relationship, then click Next.
  6. Select the field you want to relate to the custom object has to be related (Campaign, for example) and click Next.
  7. Enter the values as shown in the image below, then click Next.
    Note: Do not check the Required checkbox.
    PB - Field Details.png
  8. Click Next on the Field Level Security page.
    PB - Field Security.png
  9. Clear the selection associated with ResponsiveProposals Layout and click Next.
    PB - Clear Field Ref to Page Layout.png
  10. Clear the selection associated with Campaign Layout and click Save.
    PB - Save Custom Field.png
    The newly added custom object field displays in the Custom Fields & Relationships section as shown below:
    PB - View Custom Field & Relationship.png
  11. From Responsive, go to Organization Settings > Integration > CRM and click Configure on the Salesforce tile.
  12. Click Connect to Salesforce.
    PB - Configure Salesforce Instance.png
  13. Click Add Salesforce Object and select Campaign from the options.
    PB - Add Salesforce Data.png
  14. Select Campaign from the Proposal Report Field Mapping drop-down, then click Save.
    PB - Report Field Mapping.png
  15. From Salesforce, go to Setup > Build > Develop > Lightning Components. and select Visualforce Pages.
  16. Click New.
    PB - New VisualForce Page.png
  17. Enter the Name, Label and Description.
    Note: The label must be unique.
    PB - VisualForce Page details.png
  18. Enter the following code in the Visualforce Markup tab:
    Note: In the code below, replace the YOUR CUSTOM OBJECT API text with the value of the custom object you selected (such as Campaign).
    PB - VisualForce Page - Apex code.png
<apex:page StandardController="YOUR CUSTOM OBJECT" extensions="rfpio.ResponsiveProposalController" showHeader="false" applyHtmlTag="false" sidebar="false" action="{!onLoad}" docType="html-5.0">
<rfpio:ResponsiveProposalComponent recordId="{!recordId}" RFPIO_BASE_URL="{!RFPIO_BASE_URL}" bgColor="{!bgColor}" JSONString="{!JSONString}" newProposalButton="{!newProposalButton}" associateButton="{!associateButton}" removeAssociateButton="{!removeAssociateButton}" launchRFPIO="{!launchRFPIO}">
  1. Click Save. The Campaign page will be displays as shown below:
    PB - VisualForce Page - Campaign.png
  2. Once the Visualforce page is created, click + to customize the tabs.
    PB - Add Tab.png
  3. Click Customize My Tabs.
    Note: See Configuring Object Type (Classic) for more information on tab customization.
    PB - Customize Tab.png
  4. Select Campaign from the Available Tabs list and click Add, then click Save.
    PB - Add Campaign.png
  5. The Campaign tab is added to the bar.
    PB - Campaign Tab added.png
  6. Click Create New and select Campaign to add a new campaign.
    PB - Campaign Tab - Create New.png
  7. Enter the details and click Save.PB - New Campaign Details.png
  8. On the Campaign page, click Edit Layout.
    PB - Edit Layout.png
  9. Select Section, then drag and drop it into the Campaign Detail section.
    PB - Add Section.png
  10. On the Section Properties pop-up, enter Responsive Proposal Builder in the Section Name field and select the 1-Column layout button.
    PB - Section Properties - Responsive Proposal Builder.png
  11. Click OK.
  12. Next, click Visualforce Pages, then select ProposalCampaign and drag and drop it into the Responsive Proposal Builder section.
    PB - Add ProposalCampaing to Section.png
  13. Once the Visualforce page has been added, click the Properties icon, or double-click on the layout, to bring up the Visualforce Page Properties pop-up.
  14. Set the Height (in pixels) to 800 to add space when viewing the projects.
    PB - VisualForce Page Properties.png
  15. Select the Show Scrollbars and/or Show Label checkboxes if applicable.
  16. Click OK. The layout displays as shown below.
    PB - Campaign Layout.png
  17. Click Save to save the changes. The Campaign layout displays as shown below:
    PB - Responsive Proposal Builder View.png

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