The Acronym Finder tool leverages advanced text analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms to extract acronyms and their definitions from selected documents.
You can then use that information to create a glossary that saves time by letting users understand what each acronym stands for.
- Extracting acronyms from solicitations: When the incoming RFP is filled with a lot of acronyms, Acronym Finder helps identify, explain, and use acronyms in a consistent way. When acronyms are identified, you can use the same language as present in the RFP, making the proposal look more polished and professional. It saves time from manual searches. Acronym Finder results will be a shared resource, which helps maintain consistency among the team members.
- Extracting acronyms from response/proposal documents: The extracted acronyms from Response/proposal document can be used by the proposal team to create a glossary and share with the issuer by doing a final quality check. It helps Proposal teams ensure that all acronyms are properly defined (Ensure Acronyms are defined at the point of first reference or before the first reference).
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Extracting Acronyms
- From the Workspace page, click on the workspace containing the document you want to extract acronyms from, then click the Plus icon next to Acronym Finder. The Select Document page displays the documents available in the workspace.
- Select the document you want to extract the acronyms from.
Note: If you need to add a document other than the ones already listed, click Add a New Document, select the document, and click Add. - Click Next. The Acronyms Finder page displays.
Note: Extracting acronyms from large documents may take a longer. You can navigate to other pages while the acronyms are being extracted.- The acronyms, along with their definitions, are displayed unless the acronym definition is not available in the document.
- The number of extracted acronyms also displays. Click a specific acronym to view the number of occurrences of it.
Exporting Acronyms to PDF
Click Export PDF to export the extracted acronyms to a PDF file.
Essentials features are subscription-based and may not be available for all users. Contact your account manager, or accountmanagers@responsive.io, for more details.
Extracting Acronyms
- From the Workspace page, click on the workspace containing the document you want to extract acronyms from, then click the Plus icon next to Acronym Finder. The Select Document page displays the documents available in the workspace.
- Select the document you want to extract the acronyms from.
Note: If you need to add a document other than the ones already listed, click Add a New Document, select the document, and click Add. - Click Next. The Acronyms Finder page displays.
Note: Extracting acronyms from large documents may take a longer. You can navigate to other pages while the acronyms are being extracted.- The acronyms, along with their definitions, are displayed unless the acronym definition is not available in the document.
- The number of extracted acronyms also displays. Click a specific acronym to view the number of occurrences of it.
Exporting Acronyms to PDF
Click Export PDF to export the extracted acronyms to a PDF file.