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Using Profile Center Messaging


For security purposes, Profile Center Messaging is applicable to private profiles only.

Viewers can engage with sharers via the messaging feature, allowing for interactive viewer-sharer communication within the Profile Center. Documents and images can also be seamlessly attached for more reference.

All attachments are watermarked upon download.

  • Collaborators are granted access to view and respond to messages.
  • Team members and external viewers can be @mentioned.
  • Clear indicators signaling new messages are displayed on the Profile List page, and messages can also be marked as resolved.
  • Sharers will receive email notifications about messages.
  • Threads are enabled for comments and users can initiate multiple conversation threads per profile.

Using Profile Center Messaging

  1. Go to Profile Center and click the Message icon next to the profile name. 
    Note: The Message icon is located at the top of the screen for guest viewers.
    1. A red notification indicator appears on the icon when there are new messages to view.
    2. Messages are shown in threads, and include the name of the user and when it was sent.
    3. You can click a message in the thread to reply to it. The viewer will receive an email notification letting them know they have a new message.
    4. You can click the menu next to a message to resolve it.
      Note: Viewers can reopen the conversation by responding to it.
  2. Enter your message and add attachments (if necessary).
  3. Click Send.

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