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Proposal Templates Overview

Templates Overview

Proposal templates streamline the process, ensuring consistency and saving you time. Users with access to Proposal Templates can create reusable templates to define a consistent structure and content foundation. This empowers proposal builders to assemble proposals efficiently and accurately.

The templates page is organized in to the following four subpages:

  1. Active
  2. Draft
  3. Inactive
  4. Trash

Templates (Active) page overview

To view the active templates, click [i] Proposal Builder - Templates.png Templates from the quick navigation menu.

PB - Active Templates (Unpin).pngPB - Active Templates.png

The Templates page lists all the active templates created by users within your organization.

PB - Template - Active Tab.png
Note: Active templates appear in the Proposal Template Library pane during the proposal creation process.

  1. Displays the Bulk options that can be performed when multiple proposal templates are selected.
    • Move to Draft - Sets the template to draft status and moves it to the Draft page.
    • Move to Inactive - Deactivate and move the proposal template to the Inactive page.
    • Move to Trash - Move the proposal template to the Trash page.
    • Clear - Deselect/Clear the currently selected proposals.
  2. Displays the list of proposal templates that have been created within the organization.
  3. Allows customizing the columns. You can add or remove the columns to be displayed on the page.
  4. The three-dot menu houses the following actions.
    • Properties - Displays the details of the proposal Template.
    • Edit - Update or make changes to the proposal template.
    • Activity Log - Displays the activity log of the actions performed on the proposal template.
    • Move to Draft - Set the proposal template as Draft and move it to the Draft page.
    • Move to Inactive - Set the proposal template as Inactive and move it to the Inactive page.
    • Move to Trash - Move the proposal template to the Trash page.

Draft page overview

To view the template drafts, click [i] PB - Template - Drafts.png Draft from the quick navigation menu.

PB - Templates - Draft (Unpin).png

PB - Templates - Draft.png

Proposal templates can be saved as drafts before they are published. These drafts, as well as any templates moved from other pages, are listed in the Draft page, providing the ability to edit and publish them.

PB - Templates - Draft Overview.png

  1. Displays the Bulk options that can be performed when multiple proposal templates are selected.
    • Move to Trash - Deletes the proposal template by moving it to the Trash page.
    • Clear - Deselect/Clear the currently selected proposals.
  2. Displays the list of proposal templates that are either saved drafts or have been moved to Draft from other sections.
  3. Allows customizing the columns. You can add or remove the columns to be displayed on the page.
  4. The three-dot menu houses the following actions.
    • Properties - Displays the details of the proposal template.
    • Edit - Update or make changes to the proposal template.
    • Activity Log - Displays the activity log of the actions performed on the proposal template.
    • Move to Trash - Move the proposal template to the Trash page.

Inactive page overview

To view the template drafts, click [i] PB - Template - Inactive.png Inactive from the quick navigation menu.

PB - Templates - Inactive (Unpin).png

PB - Templates - Inactive.png

To keep the Active and Drafts pages clutter-free; you can deactivate the proposal templates you no longer require by moving them to the Inactive page.

PB - Templates - Inactive - Overview.png

  1. Displays the Bulk options that can be performed when multiple proposal templates are selected.
    • Move to Draft - Sets the template to draft status and moves it to the Draft page.
    • Move to Active - Moves the template to the Active page and it becomes available for use in the Proposal Template Library.
    • Move to Trash - Move the proposal template by moving it to the Trash page.
    • Clear - Deselect/Clear the currently selected proposals.
  2. Displays the list of proposal templates that are either saved drafts or have been moved to Draft from other sections.
  3. The three-dot menu houses the following actions.
    • Properties - Displays the details of the proposal template.
    • Activity Log - Displays the activity log of the actions performed on the proposal template.
    • Move to Draft - Set the proposal template as Draft and move it to the Draft page.
    • Move to Inactive - Set the proposal template as Inactive and move it to the Inactive page.
    • Move to Trash - Deletes the proposal template by moving it to the Trash page.

Trash page overview

To view the template that have been moved to trash , click [i] PB - Trash - Delete.png Trash from the quick navigation menu.

PB - Templates - Trash (Unpin).pngPB - Templates - Trash.png

Proposal templates that you no longer need can be removed by moving them to the Trash page. Templates in the Trash page can be recovered by moving them back to any of the other pages.

PB - Templates - Trash - Overview.png

  1. Displays the Bulk options that can be performed when multiple proposal templates are selected.
    • Move to Draft - Sets the template to draft status and moves it to the Draft page.
    • Delete Permanently - Permanently removing the proposal means it won't be found in the Trash page, and it cannot be restored.
    • Clear - Deselect/Clear the currently selected proposals.
  2. Displays the list of proposal templates that are either saved drafts or have been moved to Draft from other sections.
  3. The three-dot menu houses the following actions.
    • Properties - Displays the details of the proposal template.
    • Activity Log - Displays the activity log of the actions performed on the proposal template.
    • Move to Draft - Set the proposal template as Draft and move it to the Draft page.
    • Delete Permanently - Permanently removing the proposal means it won't be found in the Trash page, and it cannot be restored.

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