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Monthly Product Updates for January 30, 2025 (25.01.05)

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The following new product features and enhancements have been added for update number 25.01.05: 

Content Management

  1. Search enhancements in the Individual Section view

Responsive AI

  1. Alert text for referenced content
  2. Search filters for AI Assistant in the Content Library
  3. Section-level filters for AI Assistant
  4. Datasets for Ask


  1. New Project Type filter in My Work
  2. Enhanced users settings

Profile Center

  1. Profile Designer - Beta
  2. Salesforce NDA bypass update

Request Management

  1. Multiple documents for eSignature in Request Invitations
  2. Exporting communications
  3. Intakes for Request Projects

Other Enhancements and Fixes

Content Management

1. Search enhancements in the Individual Section view

All search capabilities available in the Library view of the Content Library are now available for searches performed in the Individual Section view. The searches are performed within questions, answers, and descriptions. Along with keywords, any advanced filters applied are also displayed.


Responsive AI

2. Alert text for referenced content

Previously, when AI Assistant, AI Draft, and Ask created an answer that referenced content with an alert, the Alert icon appeared but it took multiple clicks to see the actual alert text.

Now you can simply hover over the Alert icon to see the text.

  • AI Assistant
  • AI Draft
  • Ask

3. Search filters for AI Assistant in the Content Library

You can now use Content Library filters to refine the source materials AI Assistant uses when creating responses. Use filters, facets, and advanced search criteria for the following:

  • Tags
  • Collections
  • Languages

You can also use the Exclude, Include and All options for the Advanced Search.

Some filters are not supported by AI Assistant, and AI Assistant will ignore them in its searches. Supported filters include the following:

  • System-defined custom fields
  • User-defined Content Library custom fields where:
    • the Preference is Searchable
    • the Category is All
    • the Type is any non-text type

When the Content Library displays the content you want to use, invoke AI Assistant and enter your request.


4. Section-level filters for AI Assistant

Note: This feature must be enabled prior to use. Contact your account manager, or, to enable it.

You can now set filters at the section level and AI Assistant will only use those filters when generating content for that section.
Note: The filters are not available for AI Draft.

To set a section-level filter: 

  1. Click the three-dot Menu and select AI Assistant Filter.
  2. Specify the instructions, tags, collections, languages and custom fields you want to use when AI Assistant generates content for the section, then click Save.

5. Datasets for Ask

Note: This feature must be enabled prior to use. Contact your account manager, or, to enable it.

Admins can now create datasets in Organization Settings to help filter content.

You can also use the Advanced Search option to filter using collections, tags, and searchable custom fields.



6. New Project Type filter in My Work

In the My Work page, under Project View, you can now filter projects by type. Any project types available in the Organization Settings are now displayed in the Project Type drop-down filter.


7. Enhanced users settings

The following enhancements have been made to the Users section of the Organization Settings:

  • On the Manage Users page, when an export is in progress, a toast message is displayed. Additionally, the Export Users button remains disabled until the export is complete.
  • In the Manage Roles page, under List View,  the search results now appear as you type.
  • In the Manage Roles page, when you rearrange roles under Compare View, the new order is now retained when you drag and drop the roles, even if you navigate to any other page and return.

Profile Center

8. Profile Designer - Beta

Note: This feature must be enabled prior to use. Contact your account manager, or, to enable it.

When creating new profiles you can now choose between the Standard Builder or the new Profile Designer.

The new Profile Designer lets you personalize your profile with advanced options for a unique experience. The default template is auto-populated with your existing profile information and serves as a starting point to customize your profile.

  • The default template has multiple customizable sections, such as an Overview section with a call to action (CTA) button and a hero image, a Compliance section, a Trusted by section with space for the company logos, and a Product Portfolio section.
    Note: More templates will be added in future releases.
  • You can edit/remove sections/information manually, or click the Clear All button at the top of the template to clear the pre-populated information.

To use Profile Designer:

  1. Go to Profile Center and click New Profile.
  2. Enter the profile title, type, and visibility, then select Profile Designer and click Continue.
  3. Edit the information as necessary. You can:
    • Upload video, images, and documents from your desktop or the Document Library or questionnaires. 
    • Click the Add button to add new sections. You can add images, columns, buttons, and more to sections.
    • Hover over the section and click Trash to delete it.
    • Click Clear All to clear the information.
  4. Click Preview or Publish.

See the Using Profile Designer section of Creating Profiles for more information.

9. Salesforce NDA bypass update

Our non-disclosure agreement (NDA) bypass capabilities have been expanded to include Salesforce Opportunities alongside Accounts. You can now configure multiple rules and set up an NDA bypass for standard fields on these objects.

To enable the bypass, go to Organization Settings > Integrations and click Configure.


Request Management

10. Multiple documents for eSignature in Request Invitations

You can now add multiple documents for eSignature when creating NDA requests. When the responder clicks the notification email, they can view and switch between the documents from the left tab.


11. Exporting communications

You can now export vendor communications to an Excel spreadsheet from the Vendor Communications page.


12. Intakes for Request Projects

Note: This feature must be enabled prior to use. Contact your account manager, or, to enable it.

You can now create intakes for Request Projects from the Manage Requests page.

Once enabled, go to Organization Settings > Request Management > Preferences and turn the Intake for Requests toggle on.


After you turn on the feature, you can:

  • Create intakes, attach documents, start discussions or add team members to the intake.
  • Accept or reject intakes based on your permissions.
    • The reason for rejection has to be specified when rejecting the intake.
    • Accepted intakes are converted to request projects. 

Other Enhancements and Fixes


  • For Response Projects, the text area field in Project Notes now preserves line breaks.
  • For Response Projects, you can now add Section Templates to Project Templates. This enhancement saves time and ensures consistency during project setup. All changes are tracked in the Project Template's Activity tab. 
  • Selecting font formats is now faster when exporting projects to source. The font format accordion now opens by default, and your preferences are saved at the user level.
  • You can now invite new users faster by typing an email in the input box and pressing Tab to select it and enter the next email. Press Tab again to move to the next field.
  • Configuring the Radio answer type is now quicker. By default, two options are automatically added when you select the Radio answer type, and you can use the Add Options feature to include additional options as needed.
  • Project managers can now delete queued notifications for projects in Trash, Cancelled, or Completed status. All actions are logged in the Activities report for clear tracking and accountability.
  • You can now set a character limit for Basic Text Type answers and choose to make it a soft limit. This allows users to override the limit if needed, offering greater flexibility while still guiding response length.
    Project - Skip Char limit.png

Content Library

  • Moderation and Review workflows are now smoother. The screen advances to the next item after acceptance or review, eliminating unnecessary scrolling.
  • Text in the Content Library now has better color contrast to make it easier to read and more accessible.
  • The Used Count display under the Properties tab of Q&A pairs in the Content Library has been improved for a more intuitive user experience.
  • The content card selection in the Content Library is now easier to see, with clearer distinctions for the selected and hovered-over cards to improve navigation.


  • We have enhanced the Application Usage dashboard export to include role data in both worksheets. This makes it easy to create pivots and track time by user roles.


  • The translation tool now includes support for both American and British English, improving language accuracy for users using Microsoft’s translation engine.

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