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Submitting an Issued Project


This article explains how a responder can submit an issued project.

Submitting a Project

  1. From the Active Projects page, click on the Issued Project.
  2. Select your preferred view of the project. The Sections page appears.
  3. Click Submit Project from the top navigation bar.
  4. If there are any unanswered question, you will be prompted with an alert as shown below:
  5. Click View Unanswered Questions. You will be navigated to the answering page of the project.
  6. Once you have answered all the questions and completed the sections, click Submit Project.
  7. You will be navigated to the Project Details page. Perform the required edits and click Next.

    Duplicate checks will be performed and a confirmation for the same will be prompted.

  8. Once the duplicate checks are done, click Submit Project.
  9. The project will be marked as complete and a success message will be displayed as shown below:


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